30K Special: Christmas Day

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Just want to let you all know: after this special, you won't see an update in this story for a while, since I'll focus on my other book (Dragon of Annihilation). I just wanted to get these out of the way. Anyways, enjoy!


The day has arrived. Christmas is bringing a beautiful light snowfall to the morning of Remnant. Surprisingly, it is not very cold this year. Back in Vergil's dorm room, the white-haired swordsman finishes his hot shower, and changes into his usual attire.

Vergil: (It was a long wait, but it's finally Christmas. Now...just have to give the girls their presents.)

He looks into his scroll, and checks the messages he sent to RWBY.

Vergil: (I have to meet up with them soon, so I should get going.)

Grabbing 4 small boxes from his nightstand, Vergil heads to the courtyard to meet with RWBY.


A few minutes go by as Vergil waits, when he hears that familiar voice.

Ruby: Hey, Vergil!

Turning around, he smiles as the four girls stroll over to him, clear joy evident on their faces.

Turning around, he smiles as the four girls stroll over to him, clear joy evident on their faces

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(Yes, Blake and Weiss are smiling.)

Vergil: Hello, everyone.

Blake: We're sorry, did we make you wait long?

Vergil: No, not at all. I don't mind waiting for any of you.

That elicits a blush out of the girls.

Weiss: S-so, um, did you need something from us?

Vergil: Not particularly, no. I just wish to treat you four today. It is Christmas, after all.

Yang: Sounds fun! I'm down!

Weiss: I'm not about to say no to that, I'd gladly go with you.

Blake: Same here.

Ruby: Yup! So where are we going?

Checking his scroll for a second, Vergil confirms his list.

Vergil: Well, after looking for quite some time, I've found a beautiful garden east of the city.

Ruby: Ooh, let's go then!

The five of them take a bullhead out of Vale, and they head towards their destination.


Ruby: Whoaa, Vergil! This place is so beautiful!

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