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With both Vergil and Qrow incapacitated, RNJR must rely on only each other should any danger reveal themselves. While carrying the Dark Slayer as they follow their current path, Ruby and Ren look back to Jaune and Nora, who are lifting the unlucky huntsman via a makeshift stretcher.

Ruby: Are you guys alright?

Nora: Well...we could be a lot better...but we're good.

Jaune doesn't respond, however, as he only looks straight ahead. Ren turns back to Vergil as the white-haired devil groans under his breath.

Ren: How are you holding up, Vergil?

Vergil: Ugh, I'm certainly not the best...but I'll live.

Qrow: Heh, way optimistic.

Vergil: Shut it, old man.

Qrow: Eh, bite me.

The drunk snickers weakly at Vergil's words, then coughs. Ruby sighs at the two, before gazing ahead.

Ruby: You two...

The six of them soon reach an old-looking sign at a crossroads, with one point aiming to the path towards the mountains, and the other goes to a nearby destroyed village.

Nora: What does that sign say?

Ruby: Uh, let's see...oh, Mistral is past those mountains over there!

Ren: Does it say how far?

Ruby:, nothing specific.

Looking between the path to the village and the path to the mountains, Jaune lets out an exasperated groan.

Jaune: I don't think we could make it through the mountains this way.

After glancing back to her uncle, Ruby rushes to the sign to get a closer look, forcing Ren to give Vergil more support.

Ruby: What about this place!? It's, uh, Kuroyuri!

Ren: That village was destroyed years ago, so we shouldn't expect any people there.

Jaune: But it's faster than going through the mountains, isn't it?

Ruby: Yeah, I don't know if Vergil pr Uncle Qrow can handle the mountains in the states they're in.

While tiredly shaking his head, Vergil uses Yamato as a crutch to hold himself up.

Vergil: I've been...through worse.

Ren: With that attitude, that would be likely.

Vergil: Well, as you are all being indecisive at this time, me and Qrow are likely dying at a slow rate. We would appreciate if you can make a decision right now.

Ren: I agree, which is why we should split up. Me and Nora can go through the mountains to Mistral. That way we can find help. If we can't, we will be able to at least get a better idea of our surroundings.

The suggestion by Ren surprised the rest of RNJR, besides Nora, as Jaune quickly shakes his head.

Jaune: No, no, no. Not happening. We have to stay together.

Nora: He's right. We'll cover more ground this way.

Jaune: We can't do that. We have to be able to keep each other safe!

Nora: Me and Ren have been keeping each other safe since we met. We will be alright.

She and Ren lock eyes, and nod to each other, signalling to the rest that they are sticking to their decision. Ruby looks between the two before sighing.

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