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The next morning, Vergil begins to stir, when he feels a gentle breath hitting his chest. Looking down, he finds Blake snuggling against him, a low purr being emitted from her.

 Looking down, he finds Blake snuggling against him, a low purr being emitted from her

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After he scratches her ears, a smile grows on her lips as she hugs him tighter. Sighing, Vergil hears a little snap from behind him, and he looks over to see Yang and Ruby. Yang has a scroll in her hand, and is squealing quietly while her sister bounces cutely. They both whisper yell at the same time.

Yang: Awwww, you two are sooooo cute!

Ruby: You're so adorable!

Trying to escape his soft prison, Vergil slips his arms out of her grasp. Unconsciously, Blake rolls onto her side, and she rubs her right hand's knuckles on her head. While standing up, Vergil stretches, and looks straight at Yang.

Vergil: You're going to use that picture for leverage, aren't you?

Giggling mischievously, Yang spins on a heel.

Yang: Maaaaybe~

Vergil: Since I already know you aren't going to delete it, I have another solution. And I'm feeling generous, so I will give you a minute to run--

As soon as he said that, Yang ran right through the door, and sprints out of the dormitory. Looking out the window, at the escaping girl, Vergil counts in his head.

Ruby: Uuhhhh, you're not gonna...hurt her, are you?

Vergil: Oh, of course not, Ruby.

He smiles while rubbing Ruby's head, though there was a sinister presence about that smile.

Vergil: I'm her a workout.

Tilting her head in wonder, Ruby scratches her chin.

Ruby: Huh, okay...what kind of workout?

Vergil: Well, it mainly consists of cardio. Anyways, I'll be right back.

He walks over to the window, opens it, and leaps right out as he begins his walk after Yang.

Vergil: I'm coming, Yang.


After catching Yang quite quickly, he delivers her "punishment" just moments after, back in the dorm room. With an empty tank, Yang is left snoozing in her bed, while Vergil adjusts his collar.

Vergil: Guess you weren't fast enough.

He kisses her cheek, and she unconsciously caresses his jawline with a hand.

Vergil: Heh, love you too, my dragon.

He takes Yang's hand, and places it over her naked chest, before covering her with a blanket. Closing the door behind him, Vergil heads down to the training hall.

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