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Following the impromptu fight against Tyrian Callows, RNJR brings a wounded Vergil and Qrow to a nearby clearing, as the two rest from after the previous battle. Qrow had been telling the story of the Maidens as Ren and Jaune carried him. Vergil, while holding his hip, is helped by Nora and Ruby.

Vergil: Ngh, thanks you two. My regeneration seems to be functioning slower than it usually does, so I may be incapacitated for a while. I apologize for being a burden...

Nora: No problem at all, Vergil!

Ruby: Uh-huh! Just focus on staying careful!

Vergil: I appreciate...your help.

The two girls set Vergil down, and Ruby quickly stays at his side, while Jaune and Ren sit Qrow down onto the tree trunk they are using as a bench.

Qrow: Ugh, thanks kids. I got it from here.

Ren: Okay.

Ren sits next to Nora, and Jaune sits across from Qrow, as Ruby nervously speaks up.

Ruby: So, um...these other maidens...Spring, Winter and Fall...they're the same as Mom? That they don't need dust to use magic?

Qrow: Yeah, pretty much. You could likely imagine all of our surprise when Summer became the next summer maiden...funny, considering her name.

Ren: And whenever they die, their power is transferred to another female who were in their thoughts last?

Qrow: You hit the nail right on the head. Best case scenario is it lands on someone trustworthy. In a way, their souls become combined.

Looking up from the campfire, Jaune has a scowl on his face.

Jaune: The night Beacon Academy was attacked...Ozpin was practically forcing Pyrrha to become the next Fall maiden. You were going to make her into one of them.

Beads of sweat could be seen rolling down Qrow's forehead, and not from his wounds or the fire, when he glances over to Vergil, who did not look happy in the slightest.

Vergil: He...what?

Qrow: She was given a choice, and she made the decision. Nothing was forced.

Vergil would normally say something to this, but is focused on recovering as soon as possible, so he instead continues to rest on Ruby's lap. Jaune storms off, while the red reaper tilts her head.

Ruby: That weirdo, Tyrian...why was he after me?

Qrow: Well, it's as I told you back home at Patch. Silver eyes are a particularly rare trait. And from how you used 'em at Beacon, you've gained a lot of attention. Some, unwanted attention. All I'll say is, you have upset some dangerous people. They don't like that a person with silver eyes has revealed themselves, which is why I've been keeping an eye on all of you, and I mean all of you.

Ruby: But why hang back so secretive? It'd be easier to just travel with us, wouldn't it?

Returning from his tantrum, Jaune crosses his arms.

Jaune: He's been using us as bait.

Qrow: That's not's out of my control, alright kid?

Jaune: What do you mean, it's out of your control? What is it, then? A school was attacked, and someone is having Ruby hunted down like a rare animal! Just tell us already!

Scratching his head with irritation, Qrow groans.

Qrow: Good Oum, if this venom isn't gonna kill me, you'll probably do the job, kid. Take a breather, alright?

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