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It has been a day since RWBY confessed their love for Vergil, and when he accepted them. Beacon has been made clear that Vergil is no longer single, which also means no more hitting on Vergil for the other female students. Today, he has decided to test his new girlfriends.

Vergil: Come at me!

Vergil and RWBY are sparring against each other. The girls have been holding their own against him.

Ruby: Hyah!

She dashes towards him with Crescent Rose and swings horizontally, but he blocks the attack. Then he ducks to avoid getting pierced by an ice crystal. While pushing Ruby back, he locks swords with Blake, before her body dissipates, and he looks up to see Yang diving towards him with her fist back. She connects with his chest, and he is pushed back, but he stops himself as he laughs internally.

Vergil: (This is getting interesting.)

Weiss uses a glyph to rocket herself towards him, and Blake comes running towards his other side. Looking between the two, Vergil equips Beowulf, and catches both their blades in his hands, and the two girls look on in shock.

Vergil: You're definitely improving. However...I'm not going down that easy!

He turns Blake around, attacks Weiss with a spin kick which throws her backwards, and flash equips Yamato again as he sweeps Blake's legs, causing her to fall. As she falls, rows of summoned swords appear above her, and she quickly rolls out of the way as they all stab into the ground. Beginning to get surrounded by the girls, Vergil unleashes the energy he has been building up.

Vergil: Down!

He unleashes a powerful Judgement Cut End, knocking back Weiss and Blake as they both fall. Yang charges in while he's recovering from his burst, and goes for a close quarter combo, which Vergil blocks. She attempts a jumping axe kick, but Vergil sidesteps while equipping Beowulf. With a smile, he drops Yang to a knee, and hits her with multiple hard-hitting kicks, before almost knocking her out with a thrust kick. Blake comes back from her daze, and brings her blade down on Vergil from behind. At the last second, he catches Gambol Shroud in his hand. The smile slowly growing, Vergil grabs Blake's sword hand, and sends her upwards, before connecting with a lunar phase. Blake slams into the ground and cries out in pain as her aura breaks, but Vergil makes a mistake as he gets distracted while glancing at Blake in concern. Taking advantage of his vulnerability, Weiss finds an opening and launches more ice crystals at his feet, freezing him in place. Ruby takes advantage of his immobility and attacks him with a combo of slashes with her scythe. Changing Crescent Rose to its sniper rifle form, she fires a gravity dust round into his stomach, launching him upwards. Before Vergil could recover, he feels a cloth wrap around his midsection. Blake, using the ribbon from Gambol Shroud to tie up Vergil, boosts Yang up after him. Meeting him in the air, she slams her fist into his gut, while Blake pulls downward, the two forces planting Vergil into the ground. He slowly gets up from the crater as the four girls watch, and laughs.

Vergil: Haha! You've impressed me today! You have certainly changed since our first days at Beacon.

They blush at his praise, then they look at him in surprise, and he gazes back at them.

Vergil: ...What?

Yang: N-nothing, it's almost never laugh.

While tapping his chin, Vergil smiles.

Vergil: Maybe being with you all has changed me.

Ruby grins and tackles him into a hug.

Ruby: Yeah, we did it!

The rest of RWBY laugh, when Vergil checks on Blake.

Vergil: Are you alright, Blake? I apologize if I harmed you during training.

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