DxD 2

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Vergil: Alright, come on Issei, keep up the pace.

The Occult Research Club, along with Vergil, are residing in an uninhabited mountain that holds a very large villa, as he trains them for the Rating game against Riser in ten days. Issei is running laps on a track. Vergil and Rias are coaching him, while the others focus on their own training. Kiba is practicing on sword fighting, Koneko is weaving through the nearby trees, and Akeno is training Asia in magic. Issei is doing poorly as he is slowing down after three minutes of running.

Rias: Come on, Issei! You can do it!

Issei: O-oh, my legs...please! Just a break!

Vergil: Maybe he needs some motivation...

With a sigh, he summons eight swords at his sides, and he fires them right behind Issei. He sees the swords coming, and yelps as he immediately starts speeding up again. Chuckling as the boy is screaming in terror, Vergil turns to check on the others.

Vergil: Rias, I'll see how everyone else is doing.

She nods, and Vergil goes over to Koneko, who is avoiding trees as she runs between them. He calls her over, and she strolls towards him.

Vergil: I see you are working on your speed, Koneko, which is good. As a rook, your strength is your physical power, but you can't hit anything if you are not fast enough. May I show a demonstration?

Koneko: Of course.

After rubbing her head, Vergil takes a step forward while equipping Beowulf. He takes a deep breath as he lowers in a stance, before lunging at the trees at light speed. Without batting an eye, he punches down five trees in just two seconds. Walking back to Koneko, Vergil shakes his wrists as he gives a stoic expression.

Vergil: Alright, maybe not something exactly like that, but once training is over, I'd like to see you do something similar to what I just did. Got it?

Koneko: Yes sir.

Vergil: I know you'll do me proud.

He crouches slightly, and pecks Koneko on the forehead, making the small neko girl blush. Vergil then walks over to Asia and Akeno.

Vergil: How is the training going, Akeno?

Akeno: Quite great, actually! She is doing good as usual.

Asia: O-oh, I d-don't know about that...

With a reassuring smile, Vergil gently rubs her shoulders.

Vergil: Don't worry, Asia. I've seen your abilities, and I'm impressed. Just keep up the good work, okay?

Asia: O-okay! I won't let you down, Vergil!

Vergil: I know you won't.

He nods to Akeno, and goes to check on Kiba, who is doing practice swings on a couple of dummies in a large square.

Vergil: Kiba! Improving your sword fighting, I see? How about a quick sparring match?

Kiba: I'd be honored to.

Vergil: Ah, no need for the formality. Well...

While Yamato reappears in his hand, Vergil grips his sheathed katana in his hand with a smirk.

Vergil: Ready when you are.

Kiba: Alright then...

He swings his sword downwards with a smile.

Kiba: Here I come!

He charges towards Vergil with already impressive speed as he swings vertically. Vergil sidesteps his attack, and goes for a Stinger at Kiba's midsection. He rolls out of the way of his attack, and starts running around Vergil to find an opening.

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