chapter 2

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"That was amazing. However, I will never understand the effect Robin had on women." Much said. He was the youngest of the group. Three years younger than me. He was caught stealing and was on his way to the center of the town for people to watch him get his arm cut off. His mother was someone Robin knew and he stepped in and saved him before they could do any harm to him. However, because he ran, he is now an outlaw like the rest of us.

Given the circumstances, he is still a sweet and energetic kid. It's sad that he has to live this life at the age of sixteen. A smile erupted from him as ran through the forest. "You did well today Much. Granted this was one the easier jobs. When you get a little older we will let you come on one of the riskier jobs." Will said as he patted him on his head.

"Really?" Much said with excitement.

"Of course kid. We will always need extra set of hands." John said with a smile. Robin stayed quiet.

"By the way, Mary, the way you handled that man was amazing. When you got on top of him and kept punching til he was sleep. It was like watching a bar fight." Though Much was excited, Robin remained quiet.

"Those fighting lessons have paid off have they not? I know. I'm a great teacher." As John began to brag to himself, robin came to a sudden stop. We all knew a lecture was coming. Most people knew Robin as the fun loving flirt with a heart of gold, but to me and his men, he was a leader who lead with an iron fist and a strict gaze. Though, he kind has to, due to the fact that one wrong move could get us all killed, but sometimes it can be a little much.

"Someone explain to me what happen back there?" He said. He didn't sound angry or annoyed. His voice was monotoned like he had no emotion. He turned toward the four of us. "What happened?" He repeated.

"I got distracted and he was able to catch me off balance. However, I recovered the situation and knocked him unconscious." I said. His eyes narrowed. He didn't seem satisfied with my answer.

"What distracted you?" He asked. His face was blank and hard to read. Before I could respond he raised a hand to silence me. "Never mind it doesn't matter. Don't let it happen again. Much please start on dinner. John with me. And Will.....patch her up. Leave the stash with me and John, we'll take them to the cave." Robin said.

Will nodded. I didn't even realize we were already back at the camp. We all dropped our loot in front of John and Robin and began going our separate ways. I watched as Robin left, staring at his back. A heavy sigh left my lips. I fucked up.

Will pulled me into the hut with a firm tug and followed quietly. Much was already staring dinner.

My eyes looked around our little hut. The hut was something me and the boys made a year after I joined. They would sleep outside in the cold with no bedding, or when it rain we would move to a cave deep in Sherwood Forest. Though at first I had no complaints, but as time went on I couldn't bare it. I begged Robin and the boys to please try to get better accommodations. Though before I lived in a whore house, at least I had a bed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm forever grateful that they saved me from that wretched place, and to be honest I hated being trapped in four walls, but the seasons changed. And as I got colder and wetter, my views began to change.

Not only did we need proper shelter, but I wanted us to have someplace where we could honestly call home. Soon I was finally able to persuade them to build a hut.  And though it took forever, we finally finished it and we hand a place to protect us from the harsh weather and I had finally found a place to call home.

Will approached me cautiously. "Don't freak on me, ok? You know I mean you no harm. Okay, little sister?"

I nodded. Though I knew none of these men would harm me or let anyone else's harm me, it was still hard for my body to understand. When I first got with them it was fine, I even held Robins hand when we first met. But now that I knew the taste of freedom and genuine happiness, I was so scared. I was always waiting for one of them to become like my clients in the past. Some were blunt in what they wanted, and those clients were easier to deal with. I could get it done and over with. But then there were the ones who would bring me into a false since of security and the crush when I got too comfortable. It was always a sick game.

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