chapter 41

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My hands trembled on his lips and cheek. I knew he could feel it but he chose to ignore it. I know if I start this I won't be able to stop. I want all of him in every way, but what if it goes bad. I don't want him to-

"Stop thinking." He said. "I always hated it when you went quiet. Never knew what you were thinking. " He moved the hands on his lips to his chest. His heart under my hand was steady and sure. I wish mine was like that. My heart was erratic and nervous.

"You must've hated me for awhile?. I haven't really been much of a talker. Only with Much to be honest." I said nervously. I never really needed to talk too much with Will cause always knew what I was thinking with out me having to say much, and the only time I really talk with John was at practice, outside of that John talked enough for the both of us. Outside of that I was in my own thoughts.

"You have always been good with communication. You know communication isn't just with words. You use your actions to tell us you love us. You use your eyes to tell us how you are felling at the moment. And right now, even though your in your thoughts, I know you are questioning everything that happening." He was right, I couldn't help but think this isn't real or have insecurities.

He began to kiss the inner side of my palm and I could feel my stomach clench. His lips were soft and gentle. " I want this with you." He stopped kissing my hand and pulled me closer to him. We were now face to face. Centimeters from each other. "What do you want from me, Marian?"

What do I want from him? The one thing I was never able to experience. Give me the the experience that was stolen from me. "Make love to me." I said sheepishly. I was surprised I said that without stuttering.

A small smile came across his lips. I could feel my cheeks warms. "I...I just never had-d it. I know what sex is. But I d-don't want that. I w-want to feel wanted. I want to to feel-"

Before I could finish, he landed a soft kiss on my lips. A small gasp left my lips as I slowly began to melt into the kiss. I could feel my body nervously shivering but I focused on the kiss. Every thought and worry that I had before completely disappeared once his lips landed on mine.

The hand that hand that was on his chest began to travel up his body to his hair. He groaned into me and his kiss got more intense.

His lips began to travel from mine, down to my neck. He sucked and licked all the sensitive spots, which either made me giggle or moan. He didn't stop but I could feel him smile against me. My hands fumbled and played through his hair.

But I noticed his hands stayed on my neck, shoulder, or hip. They didn't explore me the way I explored him. I grabbed his arm and began to pull him on top of me. One I was flat on my back, I pulled him closer so that my lips were almost touch his ear. "Why aren't you touching me?"

I slowly let go of him as his head turned to face me. He looked at me in the eyes. A wicked smile began to appear on his face. He pulled his shirt over his head and began to slide down my body with one hand while the other kept him steady by my head. He dipped his head down. He was less than an inch from my lips. "To make love, is to patient. To take your time."

His hands slid down my bear thighs. I mentally high fived myself for wearing one of my only dresses. Luckily, I don't get cold easily and I wore the one I found most comfortable. A shiver went up my spine. He caressed my inner thigh and began to make his way up between my legs.

"To build up your need and desire. To the point that your body is craving the other person so much that you could come from just a touch."

His hands was now near my undergarments. He began to touch me, like he was doing to my leg earlier. I couldn't help but laugh. It's was like he was a petting a scared cat.

"And once you feel like you can't take it, that's when you join your bodies." He quickly shut me up by moving under my undergarments and slowly teasing my bud. His thumb was as slowly massaging my clit while his fingers moved expertly between my lips. Spreading them and stroking my slit.

"You're wet." He said. I jerked under him. My body felt electrified. His fingers slipped inside me and he began to pump me slowly, while his lips trailed up my neck. My hands began to clutch his shoulders tight, like i needed something to hold on to something to keep me afloat.

"Robin." I whispered in his ears as he added another finger. He had a steady and hard rhythm. My back arched and every ounce of my blood curled.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Stretched." I rushed out.

That was all I could come up with. My body felt like he was pulling me apart slowly but in a sweet and sexual way. Without realizing it, his head was between my legs. I hadn't realized that he moved. 

I was already so close. If he were to start licking me, I'd unravel completely. "Robin...wai-"  I breathless tried to let out but he quickly cut me off by diving his tongue inside me.

I have never been to a beach. But I have heard stories. The waters can be as calm as the wind. As if it wasn't even moving. A beauty that went on for miles. Or it could be waves as large as raging mountains. Those waves can be big and strong enough to destroy villages.

At this very moment, my body felt like those waters at the beach. A raging wave that racked my entire body. Overwhelmed my senses. Then a pristine calm begins to settle through me.

His tongue move fast and hard, the slow and soft. Flashbacks of last time went through my mind. The way his tongue worked me. The way he made me feel like I deserved it. Deserved this ecstasy. The way he, himself, seemed to enjoy it. He liked giving me pleasure.

Then the memory of how scared I was began to pulse through my head. I noticed he'd taken his shirt off and it didn't terrify me like last time, but I was so focused on how was making me feel to notice. However' If he were to take something slows off I wasn't sure how I'd react.

"You've been doing well, my Marry. You've barely even stuttered, meaning, your not scared of me." He said. His eyes were filled with relief as he looked up at me from my thighs. He kissed them lightly.

"I've never been scared of you, just the concept of intercourse scares me. But this isn't just sex for me. I'm giving myself to the man I loved. So there's no fear." I said honestly. Don't get me wrong I was nervous as all hell but not scared.

I reached out for him and he made his way up to me so we were face to face. "I'd like to return the favor." I said sheepishly.

His eyes widened a bit. " don't have to. I don't want to sc-"

I cut him off with a kiss. He stiffened for a second in shock and then melted into the kiss. As I began to to figh for control of the kiss, he quickly gave me control. I began to change our positions so that I was on top of him, with out breaking the kiss.

"My turn." I whispered.

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