chapter 5

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The carriages came to a sudden stop. We were at the edge of the village. I could hear the loud crowd gathering. Sound of children laughing and the people talking always brought a smile to my face.

It was time for us to separate. I looked at Friar and his eyes stayed on me. It was like he was think of what to say to me. He hadn't said much after I told him I wasnt ready to talk. I didn't mean to make him feel bad.....

After a few seconds a warm smile spread across his face. He laid his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it. It was warm and smooth. He is what I imagined what having a father is like.

"You have such a rare beauty. And it is not in your skin or your hair. It's in your heart. You have a strength greater than any man I have ever met. That is your beauty. Never lose it little mouse." He's said.

I smiled. I kissed the inside of his hand and he pulled me into a tight hug. "Be careful." I minutes against him. He squeezed me tighter.

"You too my dear." He said. He released me and made my way off the carriage. I gave him one last smile before I made my way to John. He hopped down from his carriage and made his way toward me as well.

"You be careful little sister. And watch out for little Much. If you need me just holler." I nodded my head. He was smirking but the seriousness in his eyes was unmistakable. He pulled me into a hug and laid his chin on top of my head.

"The same goes for you. Don't do anything to rash and remember to give out the money evenly so every villager gets enough." I said sternly.

I could fill his chest vibrate from his chuckle. "Yes ma'am." I got on my tippy toes to kiss him on his forehead.

"Be safe." He said and I nodded my head. I moved to the side for an eager Much to say his goodbye to John. We would always say goodbyes and be safe before any mission. Because anything could go wrong at any minute. It was a tradition now. It was a tradition I hope we never break.

I moved my way over to my last person. Robin. He was already standing at the edge of his carriage, waiting for me. I made my way in-front of him, and gave him an awkward smile. We stood silent for a moment, til suddenly he grabbed my cheek and pulled me close so that only our foreheads were touching. He looked into my eyes. Those beautiful eyes.

"Stay safe. And don't do anything unnecessary. Make sure your watching our backs and also your own. Understood?" I nodded my head. I refused to break contact.

"Good." He slowly moved back but before he let go he gave me a kiss on the fore head and climbed back on his carriage.

He grabbed on to the reigns and looked at the three of us. "Remember watch our backs and your owns. Be safe and Be careful. If anything does feel off or something happens give us the signal and we will go to the Escape route and finish our drop off another time, everyone got that?" Robin said. We all nodded. We stood next to each other as we watched them head toward the village.

I lightly touched the area where Robin left a kiss. His lips were so soft. I couldn't help but smile to myself. I probably looked like an idiot right now.

"Mary! You ready?" Will said snapping me back up reality. I turned toward Will and gave him a curt nod. I looked over to Much. He was nervous but you can tell he was still excited. I'm happy Robin decided to start bringing him on missions.

"You ready, little brother?" Asked Will. Much nodded excitedly. I smiled.

"Alright, laddies. To the trees!"

As they pulled off we made our way to the trees. We climbed and climbed til we were high enough to see the carriages enter the village. And what a great sight it was.

Edwinstowe was always the first village we would visit. The people's faces always lit up with joy when they saw Robin. The smiles were so sweet and kind, it would always put happiness in my heart.

"I have a question." Much said. Will looked at him with a questioning look.

"Well what is it lad?" Will said.

"How does Robin get the food and cattle? Like I know how we got the money, but whenever we steal, it always treasures, riches and clothes. So where does all the food come from?" He asked. I always wondered. I thought traded or something when we weren't around.

"You know those time when Rob would leave early as hell?" Said Will. Much nodded his head. "Well he will take two or three trips, back and forth between here and Friar Tucks place and bring a wagon full of some of the riches. And Friar will take them to somewhere out of town to markets and stuff to trade or sell the thing we don't need. Then he'll fill up the carriages with the food or whatever he got from trading." Much nodded however we could tell he was still confused.

"Why not ask us to help him?" He asked. I answered him this time. "That's the only alone time he gets. He spends every day with us. Sometime he just needs a little space. Being a leader of a rebellion is kind of tiring." I said. I kept my eyes trained on Robin talking to the villagers.

He has such sweet smile. Something I will never get used to. His eyes were kind and his hands so gentle. He would always show the villagers so much love. He probably loves them more than he love us. And I wouldn't blame him. Through everything the prince and the sheriff did to them, they still made a way to prevail. They were strong people and strength is hard thing to find in people in these hard times.

"Do you know when the next collection will be?" Much asked. The collection is when the Sheriffs and the Princes men come to the villages and collect the taxes. If they didn't have enough money, take the food. If you don't have enough food, they take something or someone more precious. Like a leg or your daughter.

Will nodded his head. "Two days. They already got the town from last week so they are making there way here soon. We actually need to do a check up on that town to make sure everything went well. We been so busy with planning this robbery that we forgot."

I nodded. There has been a bit of an increase in visitors near these parts. The quickest way to the Princes castle is through this village, it's why we set up so close to it. Easier access. But the number of people is concerning. And almost all of them rich.

"Do you know if there's something going on at the castle?" I asked Will.

"One of our informants said everything seemed fine but they aren't in the castle so they wouldn't necessarily know. And our other informant has been cryptic in there messages lately." He said with a hint of suspicion in his voice as his eyes gazed the crowd.

This is the first Ive heard of this.

I was gonna ask more questions but Much cut me off. "My dad." He whispered. I followed his gaze to the tired looking man that stood next to Robin. Much looked nothing like his father, and yet I knew with out a doubt that they were related. His father had a bright smile on his face that reminded me a lot of Much. Next him, stood a girl a few years younger than Much and she was holding the hand of a little boy. The boy looked like Much's father, but the girl looked like him. Almost identical.

"Your sister and brother are there too?" I asked and he nodded. I could see the smile on his face. It was a little sadder than usual but still bright.

"My mom is probably at home with the newborn." He said. I knew how much he missed them. He hadn't seen them for......I don't even know how long.

Robin suddenly began to look around in the trees till his eyes landed on us. A small smile spread on his lips. He looked back to the man and murmured a few words. Much's father head shot up and began to seat the trees and his eyes landed on Much.

His smile widened even more when his sister and brothers gazes filled their fathers. Much waved at them. And his father and sister smiled back. While the little started to bawl. They knew they couldn't wave back because it would draw too much attention to our location. But they seemed happy with the moment they got.

Shaun Toub as Friar Tuck

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