chapter 11

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A bow!? His signature weapon!? Though I was visibly excited, he had a somber look on his face. My thoughts went to our conversation in the forest. My shoulders deflated and my face fell. But his face was the same.

"When Will and the informant are making there way to us, I need John driving. Me in front with a bow, you in back. And Much and Guy need to be prepared to pull them in and administer any type of healing that needs to be done if things go bad." He said.

We all murmured our agreements.

"Cool. Now that that's all settled. We have one more later to settle." Said Guy.

"And what's that?" Will asked.

"Who am I bunking with?" He said with a wide smile. His eyes immediately fell on me. And I shook my head no. I looked at him in disgust. This guy gives me the creep.

"Oh come on. I'm an easy roommate. You won't even know I'm there." He said. He began to reach out for the brim of my hood and before I could react, Robin grabbed his hand.

"You'll be with me." He said with a tight smile. Guys smile faltered and I couldn't help but laugh a little. He just nodded and ripped his hands out of Robins.

"Now that that's settled. Let's get started. Will go get whatever you need to get ready and meet me outside in ten." Robin said. Will nodded and began to make his way to his room, while Rob went upstairs to his.

"How about we get started on training, then?" John said. His eyes were immediately on Guys. Guy gulped.

"Yeah. Could you give me and Much like an hour?" I asked.

John looked at me confused. I leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I know we are about to train but I haven't bathed in two days, and with Guy here I'm not sure I'll have a lot of chances. So I'm taking Much with me for look out."

He nodded. "Ok. Don't take too long. Me and Guy will be in the back of the house in the training area."

I nodded and began to pull Much.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To go fulfill your promise." I said.

Whenever I swam in the lake I always felt at peace. It had the same affect on whenever me and Robin would go to our spot. It was calming and relaxing. Like nothing in the world could hurt me.

"How you doing in there!?" Much screamed from the shore. I couldn't help but laugh. He had his back turn and by his posture you could tell he was uncomfortable.

"I'm almost done. I promise." I said. I took another 2 minute swim and then got out.

He handed me my towel with his eyes shut tight and I couldn't help but smile. How cute. "Thank you." I said as I grabbed it from him.

"I came to a conclusion." I said

"On what?" He asked and his voice seemed to crack a bit. He was so nervous.

"About how I felt about Robin and what I'm going to to do." I said.

His nervousness completely disappeared and his posture changed. He's all ears now. "And what is your conclusion?"

I took a deep breath. "Hand me my undergarments and bindings." I said and he did as he was told.

"I like him. But because I'm not sure how he feel about me yet. I'm not gonna act on my feelings." I said as I slipped in my underwear.

"And how are you gonna find out?" He asked.

"Well, I would just ask him, but I don't think now is the best time to do so." I said. I began wrapping my bindings.

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