chapter 46

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As I walked through the garden I watched the crowd of rich folk smiling and laughing, and I couldn't help the sneer that was probably clear on my face. These people had dresses made of materials that probably won't from England, jewels that shine brighter than the sun and shoes that were more expensive then a man's monthly wage.

I waited and waited for the prince to make his appearance. I walked around given out glasses of wine to a various amount of people. The things I heard were very intriguing. The gossip was very entertaining. For people who think so highly of themselves, they have more dirt on them than the peasants. Sometimes I caught myself looking at the trees, or the bushes, or the shadows, to see if I could get a glimpse of Robin. But of course, he wouldn't be called a good thief if he got caught.

I walked for what felt like ages til I saw Will back at the wine table. I began to make my way back to him.

"Lord have mercy, what's taking him so long?" I said.

Will huffed. "I don't know. I hope nothings wrong, I don't feel like making up a plan on the fly." He said.

Before I could say anything in return, the sound of trumpets began to blade in our ears. "Speak of the devil." I murmured.

All eyes were pulled to the balcony that was above the garden. There stood three people. A blond man with blue eyes and a big gold crown on his head. His clothes were greatly over exaggerated. Bright colors, and a Royal  cape. He didn't seem real. But everyone said that the prince was always flamboyant. As he began his speech, I started looking over the other two on either side of him.

Then there was a woman on his right. And goodness above she was beautiful. Gorgeous pale skin with gorgeous dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders. But the thing that caught my attention was her eyes. They were like the ocean. So very blue. She was beautiful. My heart clenched. He and Robin will have the most beautiful children. She'll have the future with Robin that I'll never be able to give him.

I wonder if he sees her from where he is? Does he yearn for her the way I do for him? Does her absent leave a gaping whole, like his does to me? I could feel Will staring at me. I could feel the concern radiating off his body. I swallowed hard, so hard to the point that the cut on my throat began to throb.

"She's beautiful." I said aloud.

"So are you las." Will said in response. His eyes were back on the lady.

I laughed in response. But said nothing. I pushed my depressing thought to the side and my eyes laid on the guy to the Princes left. As soon as i laid eyes on him, chills traveled through my veins. My blood ran cold.

"You alright?" Will asked.

I ignored him and kept my eyes on the man. There was something about him that was dreadfully familiar. He was tall, lean, with dark brown hair. His hair shielded his face. He didn't seem to fit it. Though he dressed nicely, all black and neat, he still seemed off. You knew he had money, but he was not Nobility. But he had power.

I have seen him before but I don't know where. Was he a pass client? He might've been, but i was far from that hellish whore house. And people rarely like to move unless it was absolutely necessary, but doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

"M?" Will called to me again.

This time I responded. "That man there? Who is that?" I asked.

"Dunno, but stay away from him if you can. He's giving me a bad feeling." He said. I nodded trying my best to rip my eyes from him.

"So how are we gonna get her?" I asked.

Will seemed to think for a moment. "Not sure. If we wait for her to come down here, she will have guards at the ready. But we could try to get to her before she comes down here. There are three entrances, one to the garden, the servants entrance through the kitchen, and the one that gets you deeper in the castle. Two of those entrances may have guards. But it won't be many. The prince like to flock himself with guards so he doesn't get touched by the common folk." Will explained.

I huffed out a dry laugh. "Like we want to touch the prissy bastard."

Will chuckled.

"So we take the servants entrance?" I said. He nodded.

"And our way out?" I asked

"The dining hall. It will be completely empty, and we will take secret exit closets to it. I'll meet you two there." He said.

"Ok. Well Should we signal Robin?" He nodded.

He pretended to be yawning and stretching, began to do hand gestures to signal to meet us over at the bushes we were at when we first came in. Once he was down we made our way there.

As we thought, Robin and and annoyed Guy stood there. The tension between them almost tangible. "What happened?" I asked.

Guy looked at me with his same smile, it was different. It felt different. It seemed forced, like he was trying to hide his real feelings. He was trying to hide a darker, more sinister feeling behind a pleasant smile. Somethings wrong.

"Guy, what's wrong?" I asked. He smile falter for a split second, but it was long enough for me to see the anger in malice he was hiding. Before I could question him further, Robins voice cut off my train of thought.

"Why'd you call us down?" Robin said with a clipped tone. My head snapped to him. Surprised at his tone. He was fine a minute ago. His face had an agitation to it, and it almost made me flinch. But he quickly replaced it with the cool, calm, and collected face that was void of any emotions.

What happened?

"We are going up the servants entrance. There aren't any guards in the entrance do to the fact that it's a small hallway and the servants need to be able to make there way to the balcony and serve the prince." Will said.

Robin nodded. "We will wait in the kitchen." We got that he was signaling for us to meet at the kitchens secret exit. We nodded.

"You two go first, and we will follow behind." Robin said.

I was about to protest. The atmosphere here is off and I didn't feel comfortable leaving Robin and Guy alone. But before I could vocalize anything Will pulled me along. I gave Robin and Guy, one last look and there masks faded. Guys smile dropped, and the calm emotion that was on his face made a shiver run up my spine. Robins face was filled with murder.

"Will what's goi-" I said turning to him. And his face had all my alarm bells ringing. He was in crisis mode. Whenever we were in touch spot, that was the exact face he would make. 200% focus. Ignoring all around him, and only having one singular goal. Get everyone to safety.

"Guy betrayed us. We have to get The Lady and get out of here. We use the exit no one knows about. And we go straight to the carriage." He said as he dragged me along.

When I looked back, I no longer saw the two men standing there. A shot of terror threaded through me.

For the first time in awhile I began to panic. "What about Robin? We can't just leave him. I can't just leave him. We need another plan. We-" I began to ramble a bit.

Will whirled on me and grabbed my face in his hands and smushed my cheeks. "I need you to focus. When we walk into this kitchen you need to be void of any fear or panic or you will draw suspicion to us. Understand?"

I just nodded. But in truth my mind was racing. I knew Guy would betray, but it would be a lie if I didn't say I thought he would change his mind.

Wills words repeated in my head

Guy betrayed us........

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