chapter 51

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The man immediately let go of me abruptly. My ears were ringing and my throat throbbed. I quickly crawled away from him and attempted to get my breath back. When I touched my neck I could feel a warm wetness there. My neck wound had reopened. Bloody hell.

I got back on my feet trying my best to refocus. Come on, M. The bleeding isn't that back I can ignore it for now. I grabbed the closest weapon I could find and thrusted the sword deep in the bleeding man's back. He fell to the floor with a thud.

My body seem protest any more movement but I kept pushing. I turned to the guard that still held The Lady. She was still thrashing against him, trying desperately to get out of his grasp.

"Let.....h-her.....go."my voice came out hoarse and slow and damn it hurt to talk. I attempted to pull the sword up, and was able to but with great effort. My arms shook like a leaf. But I wasn't planning on fight this man. I looked over at the Lady and she thankfully took advantage of the situation.

While the man eyes were focused on my, she rammed her heel in to his heel so hard it almost sounded like hit the floor by going through his shoe. The man let go of her in order to reach for his foot.

Once she was free, i loved toward him a and swung the sword up. I cut almost the entirety of his front. Tho I knew that wasn't enough to kill him. Before I knew it, a delicate fist slammed against the man's face. The lady had knocked him out with one punch.

I couldn't help but look at her. "Nice......" was all I could get out. The more I talked, the more my cut bled. I began to search around the room. She nodded with a proud smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

I looked her over one last time yo make sure she was ok before I moved my gaze across the room. I need to make sure everyone else was doing fine. Will was free from the men who were holding him earlier and it seemed he some how made his way to Guy and cut him down in the mist of all this chaos. Guy was currently hunched behind Will, why Will stood in front of him, fighting off anyone who would come near him. Though Will didn't necessarily love Guy, he would never let him die.

My eyes landed back on The Lady when I heard her take in a harsh breath. I followed her gaze and in the middle of the room Robin and the Demon was in the mist of a fight. Hand to hand. Knuckle to knuckle. Every hit he took, he gave one twice as hard. But it didn't seem to faze his opponent. In fact he had an excited gleam in his eyes that terrified me.

I drag my eyes to Will, trying my best not to focus on Robin. Robin is barely injured and the best fighter among us. He will be fine. That man is like any other opponent. He is your nightmare, not Robin. He can fight him.

When my eyes went back Will, I could tell he was getting tired. He was holding his own while being cornered but I can tell his strength and speed are lessening. There were too many of them. Will need my help more than Robin does.

I looked around on the ground and spotted the dagger. I turned to the lady. I wasn't going to attempt to use my voice, so I just pushed it toward her and rose my eyebrows in question.

Thankfully she understood. She nodded. "Yes I know how to use it. Being engaged to Robin had some perks." I tried so hard not to flinch and just nodded. I motioned for her to stay and she gave another nod of her head letting me know she understood. And with that I ran over to Will.

I hope and pray I can find an easier weapon than these unnecessarily heavy swords.

Ah, fuck it.

I made my way to the solstice that was about to strike Will from behind and tackled him to the ground. We fell to the ground with a hard thump. Fortunately, I landed on top. While he was still reeling from the impact I grabbed his heavy axe—-

Wait! And axe! Oh I can work with this. And it's not even heavy.

I brought back the axe and slammed the blunt end against his head twice, knocking the man clean out.

Before I could get up, a sharp pain ran through my shoulder down my left arm. "Fucking hell." I gasped out. I grasped my shoulder and felt and arrow there.


"M!" Yelled Will. I looked up at him and saw the worry on his face. He was distracted from his fight. The man he was fighting was pummeling him while he was using a shield. His eyes would flick between me and his opponent. The pain wasn't that bad, probably because the adrenaline. I gave him a smile.

"I'm fine. Focus!" I said. I began to stand. Once I was on my feet I yanked the arrow out. I grabbed the axe and moved closer to Will who had killed the first guy he was fighting and was now fighting two men by himself.

Everything in me wanted to focus on Robin but made my way to Will and Guy.

"Get Guy and the Lady and get out of here! I'll go get Robin!" He yelled. I hesitated, but he shot me hate over his shoulder and I knew it was the only choice. They were liabilities and in the way. I nodded. I squatted down to Guy.

"Can you walk?" I asked. He nodded sheepishly. I grabbed one of his arms and pulled it over my shoulder, and began to pull him up.

"We need to make our way to one of the exits." I said.

A harsh grunt left his mouth. "Can't....", his words came out harsh, like it hurt to talk.

"We all made a back up plan for if you did betray us. There is another exit we talked about while you weren't with us." I said.

"I' sorry" he croaked out. To be completely honest, I was a lot angrier with him than I though I be. We all knew that it was more likely he'd betray us. But there was a small hope. I really thought he change his mind.

......well he did, actually. Though it was too late, he did try to warn us. But why did he? Why did he betray us just to try and save us in the end?

"Why? Why'd you change your mind?" I said. I knew it was hard for him to speak but I wanted to know.

"You. I though he wanted Robin and I was willing to give him his head. But he told me he wanted you not Robin, and then I realized who he was." It took a lot out of him to speak but I allowed him to keep going regardless.

"If I would've known, I would've killed him myself." He we said with every ounce of venom he could muster. I just nodded.

We were only a few feet away from the Lady when I looked up and her eyes were filled with horror. She was looking behind us. Before I could react, another sharp pain ripped through my side. I looked down.

Another arrow, only a few niches away from my stomach. My ear felt like they were ringing and my hold on Guy was slipping. My eyes locked with Lady Marian and I saw her running toward us but she was looking behind us still. There was still someone coming.

I don't have a weapon.

Then a very stupid thought fill my mind.

The arrow.

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