chapter 60

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I watched her chest move up and down. Her breathing was harsh, slow, and soft, but it was there. I don't know how long I've been stand over her bed watching her sleep. I've been quietly praying to whoever would listen if they could wake her up for at least a second. Just so I could see those beautiful brown eyes again. I wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up, even if I was the last person she would want to see.

A knock at the door brought me back to reality.

"Robin, can you come outside? Your men and the lady need to talk." It was Friar. His voice was always kind even when scolding someone, but his usual ease and warmness seemed forced. I think he may be angry with me. I would be. Friar had always loved me and my men as of we were his kids to love and cherish, but M was his pride and joy. He loved that girl, for all her flaws and imperfections, that was his girl. And I brought her back to him while she was on her death bed.

"Robin?" He called, pulling me out my thoughts once more. His voice was clearer. He must've come inside the room while I was distracted.

"Sorry. I'm coming." I said, my eyes still not leaving her.

"Rob." Friar called me again. His hand landed softly on my shoulder. Reluctantly, my eyes met his. His eyes were filled with pity but I didn't care.

"Go. She won't wake up while your gone. Her body is too exhausted. Go handle whatever's going on is there. I'll watch over her." He said. I wanted to argue but I knew I had to be the man my men needed me to be. I looked over at her and gave him a nod without looking away. I fought the urge to kiss her on the head as I made my way out the door.

Everyone except Guy sat in the empty church. Guy was somewhere with May nursing his wounds. I prayed he'd stay there or she accidentally slit his throat.

"Good we are all here now." Lady said.

John was sitting on one of many benches, while Much sat at the stairs that lead to the alter with his head in his arms. Will leaned against the wall and the Lady stood in front of the pulpit. I stopped at the edge of the isle.

"Is this about what you were clutching on your way here?" Asked Will.

Lady nodded. She pulled a stack of papers out of her bosom, and lifted them up. "These are letters between Prince Johns and some of the advisors of the court. They plan on killing King Richard by assassination while he's away at war. Prince John will then take over completely and triple taxes to put more money in the nobility and royalty's pockets. He hired The Sheriff to kill you and your men." The room was so silent that you could hear a feather fall from a birds wing.

"And what do want us to do?" Asked Will.

Her face fell at his words. Her eyes went to me. I shrugged. "It's good question. We are five people and one of us is barely alive." I said.

"You are Robin Hood. Hurt the rich and help the poor and all that." She said.

"We might have to say goodbye to our sister and you want us to do what? Be your super heros? Why didn't you just use one of the informants to send a warning to King Richard?" Much said. I knew he was annoyed. He wanted to be with M but Friar didnt want anyone in the room except me, him, Will, and May.

"Don't think like that Much. She'll make it through. And I don't expect you to be hero's, I expect you to do what you've always done." She said. "I tried sending my own informant, she was found dead a while after she left. She was never able to warm him. There many moles in the castle. So I didn't want to risk anymore of my people." She said.

"So you'd risk us instead?" John said.

Before she could say anything, Will pushed himself off the wall and made his way closer to the circle. "Wait, so you knew all this info when you sent your informants out to tell us that you needed help getting out of the castle."

She swallowed, and nodded.

"So why didn't you tell us through the informant that all this was going on?" Will asked.

Then it clicked. "The wedding announcement was a trap. It was a trap and you knew it. You knew the only way we come and get you was if your were in trouble. You knew the sheriff planned on trapping us from the beginning." I said. My rage ignited once again.

"How did he find out about that. Not a lot of people know about your relationship with her. People think she's engaged to the now deceased Robert of Locksley, not Robin Hood. No one outside of this room should know that they are the same person, except....." Johns said.his face lit up with realization.

"What?" I asked.

"Guy didn't betray us at the party, it was way before then. He told the sheriff everything about you two. That's how the sheriff knew that the marriage announcement would catch our attention." Will said.

"So she knew that regardless of how we planned, we were gonna be ambushed. Why would you even risk it? You could've died yourself." Much asked.

She shuffled on her feet. "I wasn't planning on going with you. I just wanted to speak to you face to face, but there were too many moles around, and there were guards everywhere I couldn't sneak out. The few informants I do have had said they've been followed the last few times we reached out to you so I couldn't risk it. Going through with the trap was the only way." She said.

"How the hell we're you planning getting us out? We could've died!? Hell M is basically knocking on deaths door!?" Yelled John.

"I was told he has taste for exotic and interesting woman. He likes to break them. He is very arrogant. I was gonna offer myself for your freedom after I gave you the letters. Just like he did with your M, he would've let you go thinking he could capture you again, like he did the first time. I never meant for her to get hurt."she said. Her eyes fell on me and soon everyones gaze was on me, but mines was her.

"Get out." Was all I could say. I couldn't yell or scream....... I just said get out.

"What? Are you gonna help me? We need to save the-" I cut her off with a look.

"You dropped a lot of info on us. We need to talk it out. But not now. I want me and my brothers to spend whatever time we have left with my girl together. We can deal with this shit later. So please just go anywhere, but get out of my face. Please....." I said. She looked like she wanted to say something but thought better of it. She bowed her head and left the church.

We were quiet for awhile. No one said anything, no one moved.

After awhile I spoke.

"Let's go see M." I said. They nodded and we made our way back into the room.

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