chapter 59

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The cleaning of her skin was a long and harsh process. The more I wiped the more blood seemed to appeared. And when I would finally wipe away the blood, the little control I had would slowly slip. There were so many cuts. The cuts weren't clean. It was like they were intentions done by a dull blade.......

There were bruises every where. Her once ebony skin seemed to be more black, blue, purple, and yellow. She was completely bare to me and the entirety of her body was littered with evidence of her last few hours. My eyes trailed over her whole body except her sex.

I was terrified to look at her. I don't think I'll be able to hold it together if she had been.......

I wouldn't be able to see her as an injured soldier.......

I would see her as the woman I love......and failed......

I need to's not my M.......

"Sir?" Asked the lady. My eyes got to hers.

"Did you hear me sir? Did you want to start putting the medicine wraps on her?" The woman asked. I nodded and began to slowly wrap the body's wounds.


It felt like forever til we arrived to Friars. The ride was silent yet loud with tension. Everyone was on edge. Especially Much. He watched the other carriage from the opening from the back of ours. He refused to take his eyes off it. It was like he was scared that if he looked away it would disappear.

Though I couldn't judge him, it was hard for me not to stare as well. I have experienced fear but never like this before.

Guy stayed quiet the whole time ride. He sat in the back with his head in his knees. He had been in that position since he saw the maid woman covered in blood. Lady Marian on the other hand, had a vacant look on her face and her hand was hovering over her heart. Like she was protecting something. Whenever the carriage jerked she would clutch whatever she was holding on to. So there is something there......


"Milady? What are you holding so tightly in you hand?" I asked.

She stiffened and her eyes met mine. She hesitated for a second, then her eyes shifted over to Guy. Her gaze came back to me and I knew exactly what she wanted to say.....

........not here not with him listening

She shook her head and I nodded. Everyone ignore our exchange. They were all too busy in there own worlds to care.

Once we made it to Friars, I jumped off the carriage and made my way to Robins carriage.

"Robin?" I called to him.

"Go get Friar and May. They will take over." He said.

"Alright." I said and made my way to the entrance of Friars home. I knocked a few times and immediately heard footsteps making there way toward the door. Though Friar was not the one who answered.

"Oh, hello Will." Said May.

I gave her a quick nod of the head. "Is Friar here?" I asked. She nodded.

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