chapter 23

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Once I calmed down, I was so embarrassed. I showered Robin with I'm sorry's. I literally started something I couldn't finish, and I felt terrible about it. I could feel his hard on, and I knew he was in pain. I just had to freak out. We were going well. I was so consumed by lust I didn't even have time to think about the fear, but the moment I had time to think....BOOM.....I mucked it up.

After awhile the silence of the forest consumed us. And all we could hear was each other's breathing. His was slow and steady. Was he sleep?

I moved back a bit to get a view of his face. It was relaxed and calm. God, he was handsome. The moonlight settled on his face just right. Illuminated his features well. Even this perfect man had his demons.

Robin rarely ever talks about his time in war, but when he does, the darkness that cover his face is all to familiar. I could just imagine the horrors he experienced, especially since he was so young. Then just to come back home to find that nothing was as it once was. Taxes high. Women taken. Men killed. Children sold. And the rich living off the poor. He went from one battle to another. And because he stood up for what was right, he was stripped of his name, land, and was outlawed.

"What is it, M?" He said with a smirk. His eyes began to open slowly and he looked down at me. "It's late, you should be sleeping." He said land a kiss on my head. He leaned down a bit and put his forehead against mine and began to shut his eyes again.

"Robin?" I called to him.


"What's something that haunts?" I asked him. His eyes opened and stared at me curiously.

"Something that haunts me? Why do want to know something that dark?" He said with a laugh, I could tell by his tenseness he was uncomfortable with the questions.

"You know all my dark and dreary secrets, it's only fair." I said jokingly.

"I don't." He said flatly. I looked up at him.

"What do you mean? You know almost everything there is to know about me." I said. Well almost.

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine." He said. Fine that's fair.

"Okay. What's your question?" I asked.

"What is the thing that haunts your dream?" He asked me while looking directly in the eye.

My heart stopped. I was ready for every question but that one. I pulled myself closer to him and laid my head under his chin.

He waited patiently for me to answer. "I had many clients. Some were regulars, so they were easier to deal with. I knew what they wanted and how they wanted it. But there was this one man that terrified me, no matter how I blocked him out, no matter if I obeyed his every word, he'd find a way to make me suffer. For him it wasn't about pleasure, it was about pain. Fear. That's how he got off. He preferred younger exotic girls, but even as I got older, I was still his favorite. He'd come at night, with only one candle light lighting the room. He'd leave right before the sunlight lit the room. It was always too dark to for me to see him, but his voice and his touch......I'll never be able to forget them. He comes to me in my dreams whenever I'm stressed, scared, or suffering in any type of way, and makes it worst." As I spoke, I could hear Robins heart beat. Slow. Steady. Calm. Here and there, there would be a spike in his pulse and his arms would tighten around me.

He said nothing and neither did I. And to be honest I preferred the silence.

"The thing that haunts me is coming back home." He said.

"What? Really? I thought that would be a happy memory." I said shocked.

His hold tightened again. "No. Not necessarily. I had left a place filled with blood and anger, just to be thrown into desperation and hate. At least on the battlefield I knew that the blood shed was for a purpose. Here, however, the children, woman, and men suffer for no reason. Because of a rich man greed. They already have enough money, and yet still take from the less fortunate. And when they won't or can't pay, they have to pay in blood or be sold. I have seen men stabbed, beheaded, run through, hung, limb decapitated, and much more. But none of those horrors of the battlefield compare to the sick minds of the rich here. I didn't care one bit that I got my name and land taken from me. I didn't care when I was outlawed. Because of this was the country I was fighting for, I understood why were at war. Since no one else will help my people I will. Even if I have to be an outlaw for the rest of my life, I'll keep my people safe." He said.

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