chapter 26

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Me and Robin had a lot to talk about, but right now we needed to figure out what we were doing about Guy, and then we'll talk.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked as we began to walk home. We had said our goodbyes to Robins his contacts and Friar Tuck and began to make our way home. By the time we get home, the boys should be done with there interviews.

"Sadly, we'll have to do our back up plan. We'll still go through with the plan, but if Guy betrays us, we'll have to go with our other escape route and hope for the best." He said.

"And what if he doesn't, that could be a possibility." I said. It could. Though Guy is shady and a little creepy. I don't think he's malicious. Don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily like the man, but if we can avoid making another enemy, I think we should.

Robins eyes shot to mine. He looked at me like I had a horn in the middle of my head. "Mary, wether or not he'll betray us, he's still a threat to you. Stay away from him."

Though I knew he was right, I hated his tone. He was treating me like a child again. "Robin, I'll be fine. I've dealt with him this long. Besides, when we sparred, I didn't feel the absolute need to throw up, so I think I'm getting used to him." I said

"What does that have to do with what I just said, M? Mary. Please. Just be careful around him. He is an unknown factor an id feel better of you just kept your distance." He said.

I folded my arms. I dont know why I'm being so stubborn but I was not gonna let up. "Then what about sparring? Robin, he's living in the same house as us. We eat together. I can't avoid him, even if I wanted to. If you had reservations about his presence maybe you shouldnt have invited him to stay?" I said. The memory of the conversation he had with Will crossed my mind again and my heart clenched.

He knew this was gonna be hard for me anyway, and now I'm telling him I should be okay and now he has a problem. He just shrugged his shoulders as a response.

I rolled my eyes annoyed. "Then who is Archer? What is he to Much? What is he to you?" I asked.

Robin stay quiet for awhile. Like he was think of something to say. "Better of you don't know, and don't tell anyone, especially Much, that he was there today." He said.

"What? Why? You clearly don't see him as an enemy so why treat him like a secret?" I asked

"The less you know the better." Was all he said

"You treat an ally, Archer, like a secret, but live with you enemy?"

"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." He said. But he didn't even keep Archer close. From the conversation, it seemed like it was the first time in years that Robin had see him. Hell I'd be bitter towards Robin too.

"Is that why Guy knows so many more of your secrets than I do?" I asked. The words just slipped out before I could catch them.

"Excuse me?" He said with wide eyes.

I didn't mean to say that. I mean I did, but not out loud. Maybe I should just take it back. Apologize? Yes, let's just take it back and apologize.

I began to speak but the words 'I'm sorry' refused to leave my lips. And my mind began to rethink these last few days. I've been doing nothing but holding my tongue, and I said we'd talk. So fine, let's talk.

"We need to talk. And I mean really talk. About last night, anout us, about earlier with my name, and about the meeting and that Archer kid." I said bluntly.

"Marian....please let's just go home and talk about this another time." He said frustratedly.

"W-why? Why another t-time? Why n-not now? N-no one is around? We are al-alone, and I want answers." I said. I could feel myself getting worked up. I know I was being selfish, but I think I have every right. I hated feeling like I was the only one in the dark, and the last night.....we needed to talk.

"We are stressed and we barely had sleep. Our emotions are high. Let's just leave it til the mission is over and we'll talk after." He said waving me off. I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"W-why did you g-guys react that w-way when G-guy heard my n-name?" I asked.

"Please....stop, M." Robin murmured. He didn't pull away from me, my hand grew tighter around his wrist.

"W-who is Archer and w-what is he to Much?" I asked. He began to tug his wrist but I held my ground.

"Let. Go. Marian." He said menacingly. I know he was annoyed, but I could careless. I know I was being selfish but I didn't care. I deserved answers.

"L-last n-night? How d-do you f-feel about m-me? How d-did you feel ab-about last night? Did you only d-do it be-because you s-see me as a pity party?" I asked. He froze for a two seconds and with one big tug he was able to release his arm. I knew they were answers I didnt want to hear but I needed to.

"Let's just go home." He began to walk off and I stormed after him.

"Please Robin! I d-deserve some answers! At l-least answers the o-ones about me!" I yelled after him.

"Marian! Not now! I'm already irritated about you almost fighting Archer! And I'm trying not to lash out!" He yelled.

I know I was pushing him and I hated being the one stressing him out, but I feel like he's hiding something from me or lying to me about something that involves me. "Just answer one! Just one!"

"Mari-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Just one Robin!"I yelled

"I don't have feelings for you! Not in that way. Last night was a mistake. I got caught up in the moment, and it shouldn't have happened. It's not that is see you as a pity party, I just....I.... Sometimes it's just hard to deal with you...." He rushed out.

My heart sank. Hard to deal? He regretted it. He did it out of pity. Well I asked for the truth, though I thought he was gonna answer one of the easy ones. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. My heart felt like someone had just ripped it. I have felt many pains.......but none like this. This was excruciating.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and blink back the tears that were threatening to fly. "S-see, now that w-wasnt s-so hard." Was all I could say. I could see the horror on his face.

"Wait! No! I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Mary! I'm sorry I really didn't me-" I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

"It's f-fine. I asked y-you t-to answer. I g-got m-my answer. Um..." my mind was going in spiral as I tried to find the right words. He was saying something, but I wasnt paying attention...... ".....let's j-just pretend la-last night n-never happened. Y-you h-head h-home, im g-gonna g-go for a walk. I'll b-be home be-before dinner. Re-remember to let th-the boys kn-know what's g-going on." I rushed out. I began to walk toward town before he could say a word, he was probably calling my name, but I blocked him out.

As I began to walk away and I knew a he wasn't following. I looked back and made sure I was a good distance and out of sight. I climbed up the nearest tree and sat on the highest branch and stared at the sky. I took a breath and took in the brisk air. And when I let out that breath, I let it all go.

A hard sob left my lips and I cried. I cried til my eyes became dry. I cried.

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