chapter 43

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"What do you mean?" He asked

He pulled back so he could look me in my eyes. I stared down at him with a sad smile. "I had unprotected sex for years and never had a child. So I don't think I can have one. I have become pregnant but the baby never made it. So you won't have to worry." I said.

He seemed to be thinking but whatever he was thinking he kept to himself. He began to pull us down and held me against his chest. I could hear the beating of his heart. It was steady and calm.

He stayed quiet for awhile with only his hear and the sound of the nature around pulling me to sleep. As I began to drift I could hear Robin saying something but I wasn't completely sure what. I drifted away to sleep

He held me through our the night. His warm body holding mine. It was a like a dream, and I didn't want to wake from it, but sadly reality was a cruel bitch.

As the sun began to rise I began to stir. My cheek was against a hard breathing chest, and when I looked up with my blurry sight, I could see a sleeping Robin.

He looked so cute. Like a babe sleep in a crib after a good dinner. My heart melted at the sight of him.

I should probably wake him up.

Instead of doing that I began to trace my fingers along his face. Trying to memorize every crease and every crevice. He was my savior. The man of my dreams and my reality. And I loved him so very much, and it's gonna crush me to leave.

But I must, because if that demon finds me, he'll rip not only me, but everyone I love into pieces.

Also leaving will help me avoiding the sinking feeling in my stomach. I wonder if he'll change once he wakes. Will he want to forget everything? I know he said he didn't do this out of pity, but I can't help but think opposite.

"What are you think about so hard?" Robin asked in a groggy voice. His eyes were still closed, but he was clearly awake. I couldn't help but smile when his arms were tightened around me. Some of the worry began to vanish.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked.

"Long enough, and don't avoid the subject. What were you think about? You nervous?" He asked. "Or are you having second thoughts?" I knew he meant am I having second thoughts about leaving.

To getting into that topic, I smiled. "Neither. I was thinking what were we going to have for breakfast." I said.

He chuckled. "Alright don't tell me, and look at the bottom of the basket."

I got up, my naked chest feeling the cool breeze. I crawled over to the basket and pulled out the little cloth that separates the food. There were more pastries, and I audibly groaned.

Me and Robin devoured those pastries. We ate in comfortable silence.

After we ate, he pulled me up and we began o change into our clothes. I was little sore but the good kind. I guess Robin saw that I winced. "You alright?" Worry threading his voice.

I nodded with a broad smile. "Yes, just a little sore." A rush of subtle red began to taint his cheeks.

He cleared his throat, "Well, did you want me to put on my back?"

Before I could even answer, he was already on his knees, pulling my arm over his shoulder. I guess it wasn't a question, more of a demand.

We walked in silence majority of the time but once we began to come closer to home he began to form a scowl on his face.

"Robin? What's wrong?" I asked.

"If I ever were to do something to hurt you, would you be able to forgive me?" He asked.

Taken aback at what he said I tried to get down so I could see his face more clearly, but he held me firm.

"Can you?" He asked. His voice was flat. And I wasn't sure what to say. So I just said what my heart wanted.

"Yes. I won't lie, depending on what it is it may take some time, but ultimately I could never be mad at you for too long."

Some of the tension left his body, before I could ask any further questions, Will dropped from the one of the trees in front of us.

"Alright, now that you two had your time. Let's get to work." Will said.

Robin put me down and he began to become distant again. We made our way back to the hut and I was utterly annoyed. Why'd he ask that?

After we all dressed, we all met downstairs and went over the plan one more time. Once Robin and Will felt satisfied that everyone knew the plan we began to set out. I tried to get Robin alone to talk a little before but he seemed a little out of it.

I just decided to leave it alone and focus on the plan. The boys had already went out and got the carriages at some point while me and Robin were sleeping.

I dressed pretty quickly, and we began to make our way to the carriages.

Robin helped me inside and he climbed in behind me.

"Alright you two. You don't have to get in the bag yet, we'll knock twice on the front of the carriage to tell you guy to get ready. Once we are in the castle, we'll let you out. Alright?" Will said.

We nodded.

"Oh, before I forget." Said Robin. He threw a a large wadded up piece of cloth to Will. Will caught it with ease and eyes if for a second. He locked eyes and nodded with understanding.

"Alright. See you soon." He said and began to close the door.

I looked up at Robin. "What was that?" I asked.

"And extra cloak." He said. He didn't have to say anymore. It was for his fiancé. I pushed down the feeling of jealousy and just focused on the beautiful things that happened last night.

Me and Robin were surrounded by the dim light that escapes the cracks in the carriage and the many bags of food. It was just me. Robin. And our unspoken thoughts.

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