chapter 18

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Me and Robin trained for what felt like a lifetime. For the first two hours we worked on posture again. Thank hod this time there wasn't as much touching. Then we started on releasing and aiming. And when I say I sucked.....I SUCKED. I'm surprised Robin hasn't walked away yet. He has been patient, even when I start to loose my shit. He keeps it together.

"Robin, I suck." I said frustratedly.

He chuckled. "You don't suck. You better than most when they first start out."

I was so irritated. Everyone made this look so easy and I haven't even hit a tree yet, let alone a target.

"Yes I am looking at the same thing. However, your looking through the eyes of a beginner who has only seen professionals shoot. While I'm looking at it as a professional who had seen many beginners. So when I tell you your doing better than most, believe me." He began to pat my head.

"Now no more whining. We are not going home til you hit at least one target." He said with a smile. He began to back up to give me room.

"Remember to focus on your target not your aim. And let go of your breath when you let go of the arrow." He said.

I nodded my head. I took a breath and swung my bow up and pulled the string and arrow. I looked at the tip of my arrow and then at the target I wanted it to hit. Then I let go of the arrow, string, and my breath.


I hit a target. It wasn't center but I hit one. Excitement rushed through me and I looked over to Robin who some smiling. "See. I told you you could do it. Now let's pack this shit up and go eat. I'm starving." He said, and I did just that.

Once we gathered everything we began to make our way back home.

I wanted to ask him something. Why has he been so open about me training with a weapon? He originally despised the idea and now he's laughing with me about archery. Though I wanted to ask him. I didn't want to start another argument with him. Especially with things so high stressed as they are.

We finally made our way back home and it was time for dinner. Much, Will, John, and Guy were already getting ready for dinner. Much, John, and Will were setting the table and Guy was cooking.......

Guy was cooking.........

I gave Robin a wary look. I moved closer to him and began to whisper. "Is he going to poison us?"

"I doubt it." Robin said. But his voice didn't seem so sure.

"Hey kiddo." Said John.

I smiled at him and made my way toward him and the others. "Hey."

Guy turned at the sound of my voice and he had a wild smile on his face. "Oh Hey guys. Dinner is almost done." He turned his attention back to the god he was cooking.

I looked over at Will. "How'd that happen?" I asked.

"He just volunteered. And no matter how many times I protested and told him it was fine. He refused." Much said from the other side of the table.

"He said he wanted to make a dinner to remember to apologize for last night." John said with an annoyed tone.

"I've been watching him cook. He hasn't put anything suspicious in the food. He's probably trying to show us he's not a threat." Will said. Robin began to make his way over to Guy and they began to carry on a conversation.

"How was practice?" Asked John.

"I hit a target." I said excitedly.

"Atta girl. You're doing allot better than John when he first started out took him a week to learn how to do the posture correctly." Will said.

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