chapter 14

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Robin left me in my room so I could put my pants on and get me a cover and he left to put more comfortable clothing on as well. I waited for him outside my door. I wrapped the blanket around me and slid to the floor. I began to close my eyes slightly, when the shuffling of feet caught my attention. My eyes darted toward the direction the sound came from.

"It's me. It's Robin. Your ok." He said. I relaxed. He carried another blanket in his hands and he made his way to me.

"You ready?" He said.

I nodded

He suddenly moved in front of me and ducked down. "Hop on." I looked down at him.

"I c-can walk."

"I know. Get on." I couldn't help but smile to myself. I wrapped my arms around him and he grabbed my legs. "Your gonna have hold the blankets." He said and I did as I was told. Then we were on our way.

The walk was silent but sweet. It was like we didn't need to say anything. The sound around of said enough. The little crickets and croaking frogs. The grumbling air. The crunch of the leaves under Robins feet. The sound of his breathing. Heard but smooth. I wonder if I'm heavy.

"We are gonna have to fatten you up. Your as light as a feather." He said as if reading my mind. I giggled.

When we finally arrived to the middle of the opening Robin set me down and laid out one of the blankets for us to lay on.

"Lay down." He said as he pointed toward the blanket that was on the ground. I laid down and watched him from where I was. He began unfolding the other blanket. He laid down next to me and and then laid the blanket on top of us.

He laid facing me and his eyes were trained on me. "Better?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm s-sorry." I said. Though I was happy, now that I got some of my marble back, I realized how big of a scene I just caused.

"It's not your fault. Guy shouldn't have went into your room." He said. His voice was low and angry.

"H-he was just w-worried. I w-would've done the s-same." I said. And it's true. If I heard someone crying in there sleep, I would've gone to them. "It w-was just....I'm s-so used to s-seeing your f-face when I w-wake up from th-those types of d-dreams. So w-when I s-saw an unf-familiar one, for a split s-second I thought I-I was back there. I thought th-that it w-wasn't a d-dream and I w-was a little wh-whore again." I said with a dark laugh.

Robin was deathly quiet, so I looked up and caught him giving me the worst glare I had ever seen. "Marian?" He said viciously.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered again.

"I'm only going to say this one more time, and you'd better not ever doubt me again, okay?" He said and I just nodded.

"I would burn down every one of these villages and freeze hell myself in order to keep you safe. I would rather hang from the tallest building in the land than to ever leave you behind. And I'd cut out my own heart before I'd let anyone take you back to that life. You have my word. Do you understand?"

My heart was filled with joy and love. This is why I loved him. Kind. Honest. Fair. Funny. Loving. Loyal. Everything anyone would want in a person.

I scooted closer to him and press my forehead to his chest and his arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. "Y-yes. I understand." 

He pulled back and kissed my forehead. Sweet. Gentle. And intimate. "Good."

"He k-knows now." I said. "I should've b-blocked the door. I don't know w-why I didn't." I could feel myself calming down.

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