chapter 31

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He likes me? I mean I knew he thought I was attractive, but I didn't know it was as far as liking me.

"Umm....Guy.....we've barely even spoken." I said.

"And? You ever heard of love at first sight? I have a form of that but for you. When I first saw those brown eyes, I was immediately captured. I didn't care if you were man or women. I desired you in a way I've never desired anyone." His hand brushed my cheek lightly and backed away into Will.

Will began to stir by my side and i froze. Once he calmed back down, my attention was back on a lingering Guy.

"Well I love someone else, and what part of I don't trust you do you not understand."I said bluntly.

"I know you love Robin. And I don't mind that you don't trust me. I just want you to know that I will be a better man to you than Robin could ever be. I could give you freedom. No longer hiding under your hood. And it clear you've gotten used to me because you have yet to push my hand away or give me a repulsive glare." He said. I hadn't even realized his hand was back on my cheek. And he's right, I have gotten a bit used to his presence and it's only because there were plenty of times where he could've hurt me and instead he helped me. But it doesn't mean I want him.

His hand was warm though. Reminded me of Robin. I brought my hand to his chest and pushed him away lightly. "With the utmost respect, aren't you yourself still on the run. What freedom can you give me as a fugitive? And also, if I do ever decide to settle down, I want it to be with a man I know for a fact will be loyal to me. From what I hear, your anything but."

He stood up straight and his smile widen. "You know, the reason I was attracted to you was because of your beauty. A beauty so rare it would make any man want to submit to you. But the reason I fell for you was your honesty and strength. Most people, let the things you've been through break them, but you fight it. And from that alone, I'd give you my undying loyalty. I'm willing to fight your demons with you." He said.

A knock at the door caught our attention. "Come in!" I yelled. Guy began to back further away as the door opened and Friar and Robin made there way in the room. Guy gave them a smile and Friar smiled at him in return but Robin just nodded. Friar had a tray of leaves and medicine in his hands and began walking toward me.

"What's that?" Said a voice at my side. My eyes widen. My head shot to look at Will, he was awake. How long was he awake? Did he hear everything? I looked him in the eye questioningly and he just nodded. Damn it. He heard everything.

"Well, this is a special recipe of herbs and such that I made for quick healing. And though they help with the healing process, she's still gonna ache a bit. I want you boys to watch me change some of these so when you get back home, she ain't doing it by herself." He said.

Much's head shot up immediately and he gave the Friar a nod. Then John gently set my feet to the side and began to scoot closer. They were all awake! Oh my god that's embarrassing.

"You alright?" Said Guy with a wicked smile. He knew they were awake as well! I gave him a glare. God I'd probably would've noticed if I wasn't so damned shocked by the stupid conversation we were having.

Friar began to change my leaves and bandages and the boys watched intently. Much asked questions about the formula and how it was made but of course Friar didn't tell him everything. John just mimicked the hand movements Friar was doing. It was kind of cute to see that big behemoth of a man be all attentive and sweet. Will and Robin watched silently, absorbing every detail. And Guy......well he just watched me.

I ignored him and just allowed Friar to demonstrate. Once he was done, they bombarded poor Friar with questions.

"Guys!" I laughed out. They all looked at me. "Give the man a break."

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