chapter 32

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John carried me to my room by request. I didn't think it be wise to sleep in Robin room anymore. One, he's clearly avoiding me as much as possible. Two, we'd probably just argue. Three, being in there will bring back memories that brought happiness and then quickly followed by rejection and I'm in enough pain as it is.

The boys all followed behind John and they all awkwardly stood in my room as he laid me on the bed.

"You guys...I'm fine." I said. They lingered a bit still but after while they began to leave, all except Robin. Ugh. He shut the door behind the last one out and then turned to me.

"So tomorrow, I'd be more comfortable with you staying here." He said hesitantly. He looked at me and this was the first time I had seen how exhausted he truly was. Oh Robin.

I nodded. I needed all the time in the world to rest, so I saw no point of me going.

"Alright." He huffed out a release and he visibly relaxed. "I'll just leave Much with and then whe-"I cut him off with a wave of a hand.

"Much?" I asked. Since I was leaving, Much would have to take my place as a scout, meaning he needed as much practice as possible.

He nodded, I could see him tense again. "Robin, he needs to be in the field. I'm leaving in a few days, he's taking my position. He needs to have-" he let out and exasperated breath.

"Then whose gonna stay with you? The other guys are gonna be busy." He said and then the realization hit him. His face became dark. The only person that was left was Guy.

"No." Was all he said.

"Then just leave me here alone. I'm a big girl. I'll be fine on my own for a few hours." I said. To be honest, I didn't want to be left alone with Guy. It's not that I'm scared of him, it's just I'm scared of what might happen.

"I'd be more comfortable if someone stayed with you." He said

And I shrugged my shoulders. "Guy it is."

"Over my dead body. When I go out to trade in the morning, I'll ask Friar if he could send one of the lady maids that help him with the church over to help you til we get back." He said. I nodded.

"Ok. Well, once we get back from giving out the goods the the villagers, well talk about the plan for the rescue mission one more time." He said.

And I nodded again. He just murmured an okay and made his way out of the door.

Well that went better than our last one on one today.

I laid in my bed quietly thinking. I'm leaving soon. I'll probably never see the forest again. The thought of the opening and the lake. Oh I wanted to swim so bad.

I slowly got out of the bed and slowly made my way downstairs. And my eyes only landed on John.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

His eye whipped to mine and I could see the annoyance in his gaze. "Now what are you doing up, little bug?" He began to make his way over to me and reached out his hand to help me down the stairs. I gladly accepted it and he guided me over to the kitchen table.

"Guy and Will are sparring, Much is sleep, and Robin is in his room, I think." He said. "Now, what are you doing up?" He asked again.

"I would like to take a soak. Mind going with me?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'll go upstairs and prepare your stuff and tell the boys we're heading out. Just sit here and wait for me a bit, okay?" He said as he patted my head.

He made his way upstairs and I waited for him to come back. After he went to tell the boys we were on our way. After a lot of fussing he let me walk by myself. I told I felt ok because of the herbs Friar cooked up. Not only do they have fast healing properties but they also have numbing properties. However, there is still a dull ache every where, but is bearable. Besides the quicker I get used to it the easier it'll be to move around.

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