chapter 56

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Once I was on my feet, I nearly fell back to the floor. The bolt of pain that shot through every point in my body was.......I dont know......this is what I imagined being burned alive feels like, because my insides burned like no other.

I set my self back on the ground and stayed on my hands and knees. I crawled my way to the wall and sat my back against it. I need a better look at the room.

Ignore the pile of shit that was knocked on the floor, I tried my best to find something to help me on my feet. If I couldn't find anything, I would crawl out of this castle. My eyes landed on a long wooden candle holder. God was really feeling bad about the events of today. The fact that everything is working in my favor has to be divine intervention. I couldn't help the smile on my face.

I crawled my way to the candle holder. It was sturdy. It will be able to hold me up. I held on to it as i pulled myself up and tried y best to balance myself with its help. I picked off the candles and as I did an idea popped in my head.

I went closer to the door to the other wooden candle holder and began light it on fire. By the time I axe it down the stairs into the corridor, the guards will be alerted and make there way here, and because the wood in the room is so old, the fire will spread quick. If I'm lucky the bastard will die from the flames.

As the fire began to grow I began to make my way out of the room that will haunt my nightmares. Though it took me awhile, I was able to make my way down the steps and just in time too. I could hear the guards making there way to me. I made sure I stayed out of sight as the made there way up the steps. Hopefully they'll be more occupied with the fire that no one will realize that I'm gone.

I made my way through the castle slowly but surely. There were times where I thought someone saw me but they just kept on. The castle was all focused on the fire. And because it was night already there weren't a lot of people here besides the guards. And the guards are easy to fool.

I thought I woods once I made it back to the kitchen. It was completely dark and I couldn't see anyone, but there was someone there. The lady who was bossing me and Will around. My heart sank at the sight of her.

We stared each other down. Her eyes were wide with shock, fear, pity, and recognition. She remembered me. I couldn't for the life of me remember her name tho. "You poor thing." She whispered. She put down the basket she had in her hand and made her way to me. She halted when I began to back up.

"You don't need to worry. I'm one of Lady Marians maids. Before she left to asked me to stay and make sure you made it out okay. But once I heard you gave your self up I couldn't leave you here in good conscience. I was gonna bring this basket of food up to the sheriff. There was something special in it to put him to sleep. I promise you my dear I mean you no harm." She said in soft voice. She had her arms out in front of her with her palms facing me. Like I was animal that needed to be coaxed.

She put the basket down and gave me a small smile. "I can help you get out of here. I had my carriage at the ready, and since I'm one of the head aids in the kitchen they are used to me being here so they wont ask any questions when we leave. And because of the lively fire you made, most of the castle is busy dealing with that. Trust me. I'm one of the good guys." She said.

I looked at her skeptically. Will she really help me? What if she turns me over? I've been betrayed enough today.....

......but if she wanted she could've easily gotten rid of me already. She could've called for a guard. Hell, she could probably take me down herself if she wasted, especially since I'm so damn weak. Fuck it! I'm on deaths door anyway.

I nodded at her and she began to make her way to the corner of the room where a few cloaks and clothing were hanging up. She came to me with a dress and two cloaks in hand.

"We gotta make this quick. I'm not sure how long your distraction will last." She said. She guided my to a chair, and it wasn't til my bare ass hit the cold wood that I realized that I was still butt ass naked. She could see it all. I was bleeding everywhere. I left a trail......

"I'm gonna lift your arms and throw on your cloak and we'll make our way to the carriage." She said and she just that. I tried my very hard at not to once and cry at pain rushing through my body as she moved my arms. I almost failed when she brushed against the arrow wound in my shoulder.

"Sorry love." She whispered. She threw on my cloak and then threw on her own.

"This is gonna hurt like hell. I don't think there's apart of your body that isn't bleeding. Just bare with it." She said as she helped me to my feet. As I stood, a wave of nausea and pain rushed through me and my knees buckled. Luckily the lady caught me.

"I know my dear. You are tired and in pain. You have lost a lot of blood. But I need you to muster up all the strength you can to get on your feet and walk. Once we are in the carriage I will do what I can to stop the bleeding." She said and I softly nodded.

Every step we took was worse than the torture itself. It took everything in me not to groan in pain. We made our way through the castle as quickly and quietly as we could. At some point, I could tell that the woman holding me up became tense as we got closer to the exit. I think they might have realized I was gone. They began to get louder, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Are they close?" I asked drowsily. My eyes began to blur and I could feel my consciousness slipping every step we took.

"Yes. I think they know your gone. And sadly that bastard is still alive. Lucky for us we are only a few more steps to the cart." She said. She gave me a light pat on the side and groaned at the contact.

"Sorry." She whispered. We began to walk again and by the time we made it destination I was struggling to keep upright.

"Here, lean against this. I'll be right back." She said. She pressed me against a cold surface. Before she pull away from me I grabbed her wrist. I didn't want her to leave me. Not here. Alone. Weak. Vulnerable. And still too close to hell.

Her warm hand patted mine softly. "I'll be right back. We are in one of the castles blind spots. The only way for them to see us is f they are directly behind us and they don't know usually go out the servants exit. I just need to get to the front to let my husband know that we are ready. And I'll take you back to our home-" before she could finish I began to shake my head. The action nearly made me want to vomit but I need to make sure she knew where we needed to go.

"Is there a specific place we need to go?" She asked. I nodded.

After explaining where we needed to go, the woman helped me in the back of the carriage and we began to move. Once she kid me on the floor of the carriage, everything around me began to fall away. I was so tired.

"Go to sleep my dear. We'll get home. We got you." She said.

And with that.....I shut my eyes and let the pain and tiredness consume me.

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