chapter 1

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As I laid on the oak tree branch i looked up to the beautiful blue sky. Though i could barely see the sun through all of the tree branches and leaves above me, the way the light still shined through the cracks, was amazingly breath taking. I watched intently as the sweet beautiful white sugar clouds, moved slowly, and just that simple thing made me smile. They slowly moved , like turtles.

I began to shut my eyes and listened to the beautiful sound of nature. The sound of the green leaves rustling. The many upon many birds twerping. The flow of a river near by. The whistle of the wind captures my very heart. I stay on the branch for awhile not caring about the worries that will happen soon.

Sadly, the moment of serenity was cut short. The sudden sound of rocks and pebbles being crushed under a solid surface caught my attention. "Thats my cue." I whispered to myself. I began to whistle the tune of my favorite song, signaling the others that i was ready. I slowly began to climb down the tree and through my hood on. I stayed under the tree til the time was right.

I began to prepare myself. In the distance I could see the carriage turning the curve. I moved to the middle of the road and stood there. As the carriage got closer, i pulled my hood down further, so it would be covering most of my face. The carriage finally came to stop in front of me.

"Move, peasant. My mistress has no money to spare you!" The coachman said. I rolled my eyes at the crude man.

"Bold talk from a servant. Your beloved master must pay the Road Tax before traveling the rest of this path. If you do not pay there will be consequences." I said. I could hear the irritation in his breath.

"We were not told that-" the door to his carriage opened and lovely lady came out. She was quite small. Young blonde rich blood, with a pretty light blue dress. I swear, i will never understand rich bloods fascination with bright colors.

"Demetry, whats going-" her eyes landed on me before she finished her sentence. She looked terrified.   "Demetry? Whats going on?" she asked

"My lady. Please get back in the carriage. Ill handle this." The coachman slowly got out of his seat and pulled something from underneath it. It was a sword. The woman moved slowly back into the carriage without a second thought. "Look here, lad. Your gonna let me and the mistress pass. You are one person with no weapon. I could easily kill you and move your body to the side of the road or you can just let us pass and you live. Your choice."

A smile formed across my face. "What makes you think im alone?" The boys descended from the trees and surrounding the coachman. Robin, Much, Will, and Little John stood around the coachman ready to kill if he made a move.

"I never met coachman with such a foul tongue. Would you like to repeat that threat you gave our friend here?" Little John slowly moved closer to the coachman. "You call yourself a man threatening an unarmed person like that. Your no man, your a coward." His voice came out like a snare. The coachman stood in shock.

"He should've done what was told of him." the coachman said with a snarky tone. That did nothing but piss Little John off more.

"Little John, calm yourself. " Robin said. He touched Little John shoulders signaling him to move away from the man. "Demetry, was it? Do you know who we are?" he asked. The coachman nodded his head yes.

"Your the bloke that's been running all around stealing from everybody. Your known through out all of England." He said. A smile formed on on Robin lips. "Good enough. Im very sure my friend here filled you in on the Road Taxes, yes?" the coachman nodded.

"Alright then, Little John stay here and watch Demetry with our M, okay? Much, Will, and I will go meet the Mistress inside the carriage." Robin said.

"Oh no you don't you scoundrel, I-" the coachman drew his sword and tried to make his way toward Robin. Before he could even get near Robin, Little John punched directly in the nose. I guess he punched him pretty hard cause he fell right on his ass. He dropped his sword beside him and tried to scramble over to it, however Robin was much faster. He picked it up and began to fling it around like lightweight.

"Very light, however you can tell that you have not be treating her well. My father always told me that the weapon you yield, shows the type of person you are. Also, the way you treat your weapon is also a direct way on how you treat the people around you. For most people that is a bad thing, however for you dear man, it is quite terrible. Hey M!" He yelled to get my attention. He threw the sword over to me, but his eyes stayed on the coachman.

"Watch over that sword for me. It will a great part of our collection." Robin moved away from the coachman. The coachman tried to get back up, but I quickly drew the heavy sword and put toward his neck. "If you move one more foot I slit your throat with your own blade." I said.

Robin quickly made his way over to the side where the lady was at. He opened the door slowly and plastered that stupid smile across his face.

"Hello, madam. We are very much so sorry to hold up your travels. However, we will have to confiscate all your valu-" before he could finish the lady cut him off quickly.

"Your Robin Hood? The man who steal from the rich and gives to the poor. You have quite a renounced name throughout England. It is true what they say."

All of us cringed at what was about to occur. We all knew what she was about to say. " And may I ask what that is milady?"

Here it goes. She's about to say it. "You are very handsome." Me, Much, Will, and Little John collectively we all rolled our eyes and sighed.

"Oh for fuck sake. Last thing we need is for his ego to get any bigger than it already is." Will said as he stood next to Robin. Robin and the lady seemed to ignore the sly comment from Will and continued on flirting. "Thank you for the compliment milady. I know this may all be scary at the moment, but we are not here to hurt you."

Little John scooted his way over to me, while my sword was still on the coachman. "I bet you half your dinner tonight, that he's about to kiss her hand and the give her the look?"

My eyes move away from the coachman to John. "What look?" He points over to Robin. I look over to see Robin gently kissing the ladies and while looking her in the eyes. Then I remember the look John was talking about. It was the same look he gave me when we first met. It always made me feel weird. And I truly hated when he did it to other girls, but of course I wouldn't tell anyone that.

While my attention was in Robin the coachman was able to get off his feet. He tackled me to the ground, and pinned his body against mine. He immediately punched me in the face. Though it hurt I was able to take the punch. I was able to free one of my hands, but in doing so he lost his balance. One of his hands was now pressed against my chest. My eyes widen.

"Your a woman?" While he was distracted I was finally able to get my other hand free. I punched him in the face and got on top of him and punched him again. One punch after another and after another and after another. I kept punching til my lungs began to sore, and my hand began to bleed. I punched him til he was unconscious. Hopefully when he wakes he won't remember a thing.

He could tell even with my bindings on. But I know for a fact that I look flat chested, but even my bindings wouldn't be able to hide the fact my chest felt more of a women's chest than a man's.


I could feel memories bombarding my senses but I pushed them down and tried my best to focus on the task at hands.

......your with Robin, Much, John, and Will. Safety. You are safe.

I repeated that in my head a few times and focused on that.

"Good job, kid." John said, ripping me out of my thoughts. He reached out a hand to help me up. "No thanks to you." I retorted as I began to wipe myself off. He quickly pulled my hood over my head.

"What? I knew you could handle it. There was need for me to step in. Put your hood back up." John chuckled. My eyes almost shot out of my socket. During the scuffle my hair probably came unloose, and my face was also probably in full display. I need to figure out a better way to hide my hair or my face.

I looked over to the rest of the boys and though Much and Will looked pleased, Rob looked annoyed.

John brushed his hand across my eyebrow. I winced in pain. "We'll stitch you up at the camp. You did good kid." He patted my cheek lightly. Which hurt even more.

"Demetry!" Screamed the woman in the carriage. "Is everything alright out there?" Said the woman.

"Sorry madam. He's indisposed." Robin said

I'm gonna get an ear full once we get back to the camp.

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