chapter 10

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"Hey there pretty boy." I could help but roll my eyes at his voice.

"Hello, Guy." I said in my most uninterested voice. He sat next to Will and across from John, who were gawking at me.

Probably wondering why I left my room without my cloak. I just shrugged my shoulders at them. No point he'd seen it already.

I began to make my way down stairs and saw Much and Robin in the kitchen area. I made my way to sit next to John.

"Hey kiddo. You alright?" John asked. And when I looked over at Will his eyes were asking me the same. I nodded my head. "I'm fine."

"Alright! Here's breakfast!" Much said as he turned with bowls in his hands. Robin followed behind him. They passed out there plates and I could feel Robins gaze on me.

"Hey M. Come help me with the drinks, please?" He asked. I nodded and patted on Much's shoulder. Pushing him down, so he could sit and eat.

I made my way to the kitchen area and stood next to Robin as he poured the drinks in cups.

"Why aren't you wearing your cloak?" He whispered.

I looked up at him. "There's no point to put on. He already seen me without it."

"When did that happened?" He said. Almost too loud. I nudged him.

"When he tackled me to the grown. My hood fell off and saw my face and hair." I said.

I looked at his face and he a look of concern was plastered on it. "What's wrong? I mean things like that happen when someone tackle you to the ground Robin, it's not something new." I said

"I know. I just didn't....Will didn't tell me that. Probably because he knew I'd kill him." he seemed like he wanted to say more but he began to trail off. Wait, if Will didn't tell him about me getting tackled, why was Robin so mad when he looked over at us?

"Do you not trust him or something?" I asked.

"Like I said. People can change in three years. And with your situation.....I just don't want.....just put your hood on." He said finally. His eyes looked directly into mines when he said my name. And I felt a shiver crawl down my spine. There was more to the story, but I decided to drop it. Another secret.....

I pulled on my head, and made sure it covered my face. I grabbed the cups he finished filling and brought them to the table. I grabbed my cloak that was hanging on the edge of the bench and put it on. Then I sat between Much and John.

"Why'd you put your cloak on? It's hot as a bulls testicle right now?" Guy asked while shoving food in his mouth. I could feel the boys eyes wandering between us two.

I ignored him and began to shovel bread and whatever the hell this was in my mouth.

"Not much of a talker, huh?" I could hear him chuckle. "A shame. Out of everyone here, you have the nicest face to look at. Now I'm stuck staring at these weirdos." He said.

I almost choked on my food. Even John paused. My gaze went over to Robin and he was completely still.

"I thought you weren't into men?" Will said in a joking tone, but his eyes were anything but.

"I love women, but I can still admire pretty things." He said. I could feel his gaze on me and it made me squirm. I pulled my hood lower.

"Perv." I said under my breath. No wonder Robin said put my cloak back on. This dude is weird.

The sound of cups being set on the table caught my attention. I looked up and I could see Robin sitting across from me. Pushing Guy to the side and further away from me.?

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