chapter 25

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Once we finished practiced we began to make our way to Friars place.

"May I ask what we are actually doing today?" I asked.

"We are going to Friars to meet up with some of my connections. Some of them are about Guy, some are about our informant in the castle." He said. Guy and his fiancé. The two topics of the month. I couldn't wait for this all to be over. Everything will calm down and go back to normal.

Or will it?

A lot has happened. Secrets were kept. Lies told. And thing between me and Robin will never be the same. And what happens when we actually save his fiancé? Is she staying with us? Will he go with her? I know I said what ever he'd decide I'd accept it happily, even if I'd have to suffer. But.....Will I rally be a ale to do that?

"Hey Robin?" I called to him

"Yeah?" He asked.

"What happens once we save her? Once we get her from the castle and escape properly, what do we do after?" I asked him.

"We lay low at one of our hide outs deeper in the forest. And we figure out what she wants to do next." He said.

"Will she stay with us?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too obvious.

He just shrugged his shoulders. I followed behind him staring at the back of his head, wandering what he was really thinking.

"I doubt shed want to stay. Me and her......we did not end on the greatest of terms." He said. There was a sadness in his voice. "But if she, out of some miracle, decided to stay with us," before answering he took a glance toward me and I gave him a weak smile, "id hope everyone would welcome her with open arms. Seeing, she'd have nowhere else to go."

I nodded and murmured an of course. And I did mean it. Though my feelings of jealousy and insecurity was strong when it came to Robin, I wouldn't have it in my heart to treat her badly. It is not her or Robins fault that my heart is the way it is.

"Robin, Little Mouse!" Yelled the Friar from the front door of his church.

At the sight of him my heart was full. I ran into his arms and gave him a big hug. He squeezed me tight in return. "Hello, my dear. You have gotten thinner from when we last seen each other."

I laughed. "We've only been apart a few days."

"A lot can happen in a few days, little mouse." He said. He pulled away from me and gave me a wary smile. His eyes moved between me and Robin. He walked over to Robin and gave him a hug and a smile.

"Hello, Friar." Robin said.

"Hello, Robby. Now would either of you like to tell me why the awkward tension between the two of you." Friar asked eye us suspiciously.

"We're fine."

"There's nothing wrong." Me and Robin spoke at the same time.

Friar didn't look convinced. "It's been a rough couple of days." I said hoping I sounded convincing. Friar just nodded.

"Your friends are in my office. Shall we?" He said gesturing us forward.

We began to make our way to Friars office. When we were at the door, i pulled my hood further down to cover more of my face, and brought my cloak to my front, so it covered me completely. Once I was ready we stepped inside and there stood three men. Friar attend near the door and I stayed next to him, as Robin approached the men.

"Robin! It's lovely to see you!" Said the pretty man. He had golden blonde hair that cascaded over his shoulders. I believe he was wearing make up. He was the most beautiful thing I'd laid my eyes on. He walked over to Robin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I watched shocked.

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