chapter 42

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I began to trail kisses down his neck to his chest until I was face to face with his crotch. I could feel a bit of panic surge through my body, every ounce of me wanted to get up and move away from him.

"Marian?" I must've frozen or looked scared cause his voice was filled with concern.

"I'm fine." I said reassuringly. My hands slid down to the bulge in his pants.

Come on, you can do this. It's Robin.

I began to rub him. And his tightened and his eyes shut. My other hand began to rub his chest and I accidentally flicked his nipple. A little moan escaped his lips and I couldn't help but smile.

Another moan escaped him when I slipped my hand under his pants. His length was the perfect size. I I ran my hand up and down him. He felt so good in my hand. I grazed my thumb across his tip and he jerked.

"Sorry." He said stiffly. His hands were clutched by his sides. Like he was fighting the urge to move. I didn't want that.

"Robin." I called to him.

He glanced down at me through hooded eyes. I held his gaze as I tugged at his pants. "Off." I said.

The lust in his eyes grew. And a smile slowly appeared on his face. He began to pull his pants off with out breaking eye contact.

Once he was free, he left out a sigh.

His length was a nice size, not too long. It was the perfect mushroom shape. I gathered up all the lust and courage in my bones and slid my tongue from his base to the tip.

A shutter racked through out his body. His breathing began to become heavy as i repeated the action.

I caught him by surprise when I put his tip in my mouth. "Fucking hell!" He grunted out.

Then I slowly started putting as much as I could in my mouth and began to work him with my mouth. His eyes were back on me as I bobbed my head up and down on him.

I could feel my cheeks warm, and urge to look away from him started to overwhelm me, but I quickly ignored it. I kept my eyes on his and he kept his on me.

I let go of him with a popping sound that made him moan. He quickly grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. His tongue immediately travelled through my mouth. He explored every crevice of my mouth and it made me moan.

While he kissed me with a passion I never experienced before, I slid my hand to his cock and began to wrap my finger around him. I pumped him harder and faster the more passionate the kiss became.

I could feel him his hand on my cheek tremble a bit. His breathing was harder, the kiss became so deliciously sloppy. He was close. "Cum for me, my Robin." I whispered.

His body stiffened as small moans left his lips. I continued to pump him as cum covered my numbers. While trailing little kisses on his temple.

Once his body calmed down a bit, I noticed he was still a little hard. I looked at him with a little shock. A lazy smile appeared on his lips.

He pulled me closer, and did what I did to him earlier. He whispered. Causing tingles to go down my spine. "I want to be inside you, if you'll allow me."

I moaned and pulled away slightly, nodding my head vigorously.

I stayed seated on his lap as slipped himself inside me. We both hissed at how tight I was. My arms wrapped around his head, and I burred my head in his shoulder.

"Jesus, your tight. I'm gonna push pretty hard and it's gonna hurt but I promise the pain wont last long, okay?" He said as I shivered above him. Every ounce of confidence I had was evaporating.

"Wrap your legs around me." He said and I did as I told. Chest to chest, skin to skin. He was so warm and comforting. He picked me up and laid me on my back. "Keep your legs where they are, I'm gonna move now." He said.

He kissed my temple then laid his forehead on my own. He began to push himself into me, and I could feel myself expanding. I stung but in a good way. It felt like someone was ripping me open. He was going to slow and it was killing me.

I opened my eyes and I could see his eyes were shut. His face as contorted with concentration. I tightened my legs around him and slammed him into me. A sharp pain wracked my body. I could feel tears stinging my eyes but I pushed them away.

Robins eyes shot open. I could the moment of ecstasy that was in his eyes, then immediate panic covered his face. "Are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded with a small smile, hoping the pain wasn't evident on my face. It must've been because he began to give me kisses and whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

Once the pain dulled i touched his cheek and smiled. Hoping he knew what I meant. He nodded in response and began to move. A burst of bliss rocked through me.

He pushed his hips into me, his length touched my core and I almost fell apart. "Mary." He whispered. He pumped and pumped into me.

I shocked him by sitting up, so I was sitting on his lap like I was before. I held him against me as I began to ride him. He squeezed me tighter and one of his arms clutched the back of my head. He began to meet my hips.

I couldn't control the moans that began to leave my lips as our pace began to speed up. His one of his arms went between our bodies and began to work my clit as we slammed into each other. I almost fell apart right then and there.

"Fuck. Yes! Like that." I almost screamed.

He then dipped his head down and latched his mouth on one of my nipples. He licked and flicked my little bud like and expert. I could feel a volcano in my core getting ready to erupt.

He let got of my bud and his hands began to falter as he began to pound faster. We were both reaching out climax.

Our panting became louder. Our thrust sloppy and hard. Our moans began to melt into each other.

I wasn't sure if it was him or me trembling, but were both going insane.

"Robin. Robin. Robin." It was like I couldn't get enough of saying his name. He gruff main left him.

"Cum with me Marian. Cum with me." He said and with those words we broke. He filled me up completely. It felt like he was filling in a missing puzzle piece I never knew I lost.

I couldnt tell where he began and where I ended. It was like he and I became one. We clutched on to each other as if we were scared the other would let go.

We stayed like that for awhile. I held him close to me while he was still inside me. His breathing was still harsh but it seemed he was coming down from the high.

Then he became completely still.

"I just came inside you." He said. I could hear the panic in his voice and I couldn't help but frown a little.

"I can't get pregnant Robin." I said sadly. I thought that would help but he didn't tense any less.

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