chapter 16

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I turned on my back and looked up at the ceiling.

"How much did you hear?" He asked.

"All of it." I said.

"Hmm. I was hoping you were sleep for some of it at least." He said. I could hear the guilt in his voice. You were in the same room with did neither of you think that through.

"I mean I figured you'd hear some of it, since we are in the same room, but I was hoping not all." He said. Oh.....

I stayed quiet and kept staring at the ceiling.

"Don't hate him. It's hard making these type of decisions. Especially, if you know that for it to be a success someone has to suffer." He said. I shut my eyes and breathed in the cold air.

"I could never be angry at him." I murmured

"Because you love him?" Will asked. Well, Much was right, he knew.

"Yeah. He could rip my heart out of my chest and I would clean his hands of my blood." I said.

"How have you been holding up? I'm guessing not everything is because of Guy?" He asked, and shook my head no.

"Nope. Guy is part of the reason. The fact that the flirty bastard can't keep his hands to himself and the fact that he is the only reason I found out Robin had a fiancé. But recently, I found out that I have been in love with Robin for however long, and he just keep showing me that I will never be anything but a pity burden that he feels the need to protect. I will never be anything more than a constant reminder of guilt. And I hate it. I don't want to be like this." I said. At this point normally, I would cry. But I think I'm all dried up. Now I just feel numb.

Will stayed quiet. He seemed like he was working in the right things to say. I turned my head toward him and watched him think. His brows furrowed and his lips tightened. He really wanted to say the right thing. I smiled.

He began to look up at the ceiling and then closed his eyes. He took in a deep breath and then opened his eyes and locked them on mine.

"There is nothing wrong with you. Yes, you are damaged, but so is everyone else here. Robin has the tendency to try to save everyone and he sometimes ends up doing a little more harm then intended. Much has the tendency to talk before he thinks, so sometimes not everything that comes out of his mouth is the smartest. John thinks more with his fist and heart than his head. And I have the tendency to forget that people aren't just things to analyze, they have complicated emotions that I need to respect. Every ounce of our issues come from some type of pain and how we dealt with it. With some people it takes a little longer to over come, others, not so much. But no matter what it takes time. There's is nothing wrong with you. Your just another person trying to figure it out." He said.

I nodded at him. "What do you think I should do feelings.....for Robin?" I asked. His eyes widen with shock. He looked away and stared at his hands on his knees.

"Personally, I think you should just tell him." He said.

I shot up and started at him. "W-what? Tell him?" I said.

He nodded. "Something I learned in life is that the worrying over the answer does more harm than actually knowing it. All you do is overthinks and bury your self in negativity and anxiety. And with your pass that probably adds to your distress."

He was right. That's exactly what I've been doing for the last few days. Overthinking and over analyzing. My anxiety and stress has been through the roof. But I'm scared. I don't want Robin to think of me differently. I don't want to be seen as the-

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