chapter 58

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After Will left i began examine the body under me. That's the only way I'll get through this. It's one of my men form the battlefield. Just another soldier that needs to be moved to safety.

"Woman. Come." I said harsher than I meant. I'll apologize later.

I watched as her breath moved up and down slowly. She is very weak but her pulse is stronger than I aspected. As long the woman made her way inside the carriage on the other side of the soldier, I began to rip away the clothing.

"Help me tear the clothing off. Go slow. Make sure not to jostle her too much. We don't want to make any of the wounds worst." I said. The woman nodded and began to rip the dress from the bottom.

"Ready?" I asked, she nodded. We slowly began to rip away the dress, until we met in the middle.

My control nearly shattered at her soaked through bandages. Some of her skin was free or should I say what was left of her skin was showing beyond the bandages. My hands hovered over her broken body. My hands shook as they traced her body.

My eyes drifted to her face. I had been so busy looking at her body I hadn't even looked at her face. Her eyes were swollen shut, one of her cheeks were the size of a small apple. There was a big gash on her lips, and her nose looked broken. And the cut that was on her neck that was nearly healed, was bleeding badly. She was unrecognizable.

A shaky breath left me.

"If he isn't dead already.....I'm going to kill him." I said.

"My lord, what did you want me to do next?" The woman said ignoring my previous comment.

I took a breath and focused back on her body. "Let's start taking the bandages off. Try to find the ends and slowly begin to pull them off her." I said evenly.

"Why don't we try to cut it off?" She asked.

"Because if we jerk too hard it could jostle her, at least with shining our hands we can control how much we tug so it doesn't bother her as much." I said. She nodded and began to unwrap one of her arms.

My hands shook, as I began to unwrap. I stopped my hand in mid air and I took a breath.

After what felt like forever, I began to get to work.

A soldier nothing more nothing less.


When I made it back to the camp, I saw that Much was up and out of the cave playing with a He seemed alright, meaning no one told him what was going on. Good.

"Everybody around the fire! We need to make this quick!" I yelled. Everyone made there way to me I'm the middle of the camp.

"What's going on?" Much asked.

"Where's Robin?" Said John.

I ignored them and began to give them instructions. "John get the carriage ready, grab as much stuff we can get on that thing, but leave space for a handful of people. Much grab all the ointments and medicines that Friar left and take it to the carriage. Guy and Marian grab as much of anything you can and help John load the carriage." I said.

"Wait! Wait! What's going on man?" Asked Guy. Everyone stared at me like I was a mad man.

"M is back. And injured and we need to get to safer place to test her wounds. Now move it!" And with that they scattered.

We all moved in silence. Quickly but quietly. They had questions but never asked them. And I was grateful they didn't, because I had no answers to give.

When we made it back to Robin, I could tell by the tensions in the air, that everyone was on edge. As our carriage approached there's, the woman from before poked her head out of the back there carriage. Her husband began to help her out, and small gasp filled my ears from behind me.

"That woman......shes covered in that her blood?" It was Much. I could feel John stiffen next to me as well. He held the reigns so tight that his knuckles turned white. My eyes drifted to his face and I could tell he was hanging on by a string. I around to face everyone in the back and tapped John, who sat beside me steering the horse, to get his attention.

"Alright everyone. I need you to listen to me very carefully. Right now, I know you want to break down and stay with her, but right now you need to do whatever Robin says. No argument, no question. Just do. When you see her, you will have a few seconds to take it in, but then you need to get your shit together. We can not linger here too long and we need to help Robin to keep her alive til we can get to Friar. Understood?" I said.

I looked at all of them and I could feel they all had questions but instead of asking they just nodded. Well all except, Guy. His eyes were filled wit guilt, worry, and anguish.

"Is it really that bad?" he asked.

I should've said something, but I didnt. I gave him a blank look and turned away. I truly wanted this man dead. But that his death was at the bottom of my list of priorities. My first priority was do anything to keep M alive. And we need the extra hands.

Once the carriage stopped, I escorted everyone to the outside of M's carriage. The woman from earlier stood next to her husband with a tired smile on her face.

"Your back just in time. We just finished taking off her clothes and gauzes." She said

"How is she?"asked Much.

She gave him a weak smile. "Well love, the best I can say is that she's still breathing. Now, where's the buckets of water and the new supplies. We need to clean her and the surface of the carriage. We are gonna take both and we don't want to leave a trail behind." She said.

"Taking both?" Guy asked.

"We can't move her. It will cause her too much pain and it will make her bleeding go up again and we just got it to slow down." She said.

"John, bring the buckets over here. Much, grab the supplies you brought." I said. They nodded and made there way to get what's needed. I looked over to the remaining people. I turned to the husband. "Sir, while your wife is the carriage, could you help guy clean the outside of the carriage." he nodded.

"Guy, you'll be cleaning with this man here. Me and the Lady will move things around in the carriage to make room for more people. John will be on watch. And Much will be in the this carriage with you, madam, and Robin. " I relayed. Guy looked like he wanted to argue but I ignored him. He doesn't get an opinion. He's the reason we are in this mess.

Once everyone was back, I relayed my message to John and Much, and we all went our seperate ways. We moved quickly and quietly. And all I could do was hope that everything was going fine in there other carriage.

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