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Riddle apparated the both of them to a house that filled her with a dark aura.

"Is this your home?" She asked staring at the house that contained a beautiful black gate and an entrance bigger then she'd ever seen.

"Yes it is, quite lovely isn't it?" He answered.

"Exquisite, some might be intimidated by the dark colors but I find them to be lovely" he only nodded at the mesmerized girl. Not allowing a single ounce of emotion leave his lips.

"I arranged everything with your orphanage and used magic to erase you from their thoughts so now you belong to me" he said with a sly grin of satisfaction.

"So, what is your name?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter, but yours?" He said ever so firmly. She questioned if he was genuinely asking or demanding an answer with how dark his voice reached.

"Lina Madden"

"Well Lina let me show you your room. There will be rules if you are to live in this house, you will not disturb me ever or else you will be punished, never have any guests over and don't even think about leaving, you knew what you were getting yourself into and there's no going back now" she sighed, but still held her head with no sign of regret.

"Now go shower and get changed I expect you to finally look presentable. I have clothes inside your room" he gestured her inside and she was speechless with how grand the house was, it had dark walls with big windows, smelled of cigarettes, and the pungent of men's cologne.

Entering her room she jumped into her ginormous bed and happily smiled with the sense that she might finally have a reason to live. Although she didn't know exactly what she was really getting herself into.

She was owned by him but had no idea what that meant. Somehow she knew his intentions were bad.

After she showered and felt the most clean she's ever been in her whole life, she changed into sweats and a tight shirt that fit her figure beautifully, which was ironic almost as if he knew she would come.

Lina spent her life with cold showers and no shampoo, food that was shared evenly with the other kids only enough to live the day and essentials that were necessary. To say she probably smelled horrid when she showed up was an understatement.

She brushed her hair and noticed how different she looked. All her life she didn't care about her looks, but she had the body that got her into dangerous situations with men constantly trying to seduce her growing up. For once she felt happy and confident without the fear of her own body and what someone can do to her.

She walked downstairs to have dinner and saw him there waiting for her. He took one glance and realized the difference in beauty that shifted from the time she arrived.

He shook his thoughts and remembered he had a plan that she was apart of. Nothing more.

Not now. Not ever.

They sat and ate in silence and he soon began to talk in a more serious tone then when she had arrived "You will attend Hogwarts this year. Ever since the war ended, all seventh years are required to return and repeat their year so you will be there with people from the war such as Potter I'm pretty sure you've heard of him"

"You will get close to as many people as you can. You will make friends and I'll be there as well but nobody will know we are acquainted. Many new students will be attending Hogwarts so it won't be suspicious when it comes to who your parents are or where you came from just say you lost your parents in the war and you are a halfblood"

"So I can't talk to-" he slammed his hand down which made her flinch and become uneasy "I am not done talking you will listen to me Lina and never interrupt, do you understand me?" waiting for her nod he continued.

"Find out who is happy about the result of the war and who is not, trust me that's important to know and on holidays you will come back here and report to me, we can talk during school only if I approach you, but I don't think I will be liked very much there darling so it might be best to stay away from each other for a little while" he said running a hand through his chin.

She waited until she knew he was finished speaking and then asked "If I may what is your last name? I will find out eventually since you'll be going to school with me"

"Ahhh Lina good question I was waiting for your reaction later but I suppose now is as good as ever. Mattheo Riddle. I go by my last name, son of Lord Voldemort."

Suddenly her lungs were incapable of working and her breath was hard. The fear wasn't her concern but the realization of what she had gotten herself into hit her entirely.

"I didn't know he had a son" she said flustered with confusion.

"Nobody did lucky for me- my father was rather dumb when it came to his plans and his obsession with Harry Potter that it got him killed, but I will succeed when it comes to taking it all back"

"Aren't you scared I won't trust you or do anything you want me to do?"

"No because you would've ran by now and if you did it wouldn't matter I own you now and by the looks of it you don't want to run" and he was right she didn't care about power or anything but somehow finally thought she had a sense or purpose with his plan and she wasn't a bad person although her need to do more in life than just stay in an orphanage with no family to even care about her well being was necessary.

"Tomorrow we can go shopping for all the things you need, be ready by 8 and don't be late. I don't like waiting" they continued to eat and once she was finished she headed to her bed eager to start a new day.

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