ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 23

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Lina's POV

His whole demeanor was serious. The thought of him even trying to make immense with me got me furious once again.

"What do you want Theo?" I sat up on my bed to look at him standing near my doorway. "You're being a handful darling and it needs to stop"

"Well maybe if you would've wrote back to me I wouldn't be a handful" I said "Is this really all about your letters?"

"You left Hogwarts Theo. No owl, no nothing after I wrote to you and the whole time you knew exactly what I was doing because people I've never even met before were watching me on your orders" I spat.

"It's not my fault you wrote to me, I do not need to inform you of my plans or whereabouts Lina I own you, it's not the other way around" he said as I scoffed.

"All you care about is owning me Theo, I just wanted to know you were safe if you don't want me to care for you then fine have it your way" I sighed.

"You can't care for me Lina it won't get you anywhere" I laughed at his response "I already know that Theo but I did okay? I'm supposed to be happy living my life with Enzo but instead in the back of my head my mind was always worried about you"

"He's not good enough for you anyways" he said "Oh what do you know about what's good for me?"

"He's weak and will hold you back Lina" he said "I love him Theo so fuck you!" he let out a chuckle as he walked in front of my bed. "Love is a weakness and becomes a burden in someone's life, if you're going to love make it somebody worth it"

"He is worth it. Just go Theo I need to change and go to bed"

"Ah the clothes I didn't want you to wear. Now don't order me to do anything Lina that will never allow you to get your way" he said. " You didn't like my other outfit you never said anything about this one but fine have it your way" I said and started to remove my blouse and pants. There I stood just in my bra and underwear, a matching dark green set. I walked past him to look for my clothes in my drawers as his eyes never gazed down to my body. "Whatever makes you look like a slut is what I don't want you to wear do you understand me?" He yelled.

I knew he wouldn't show he was looking at me that's just how he is. I pulled out my clothes from my drawer and turned around to bump into his chest instantly as he was right there behind me. "I wear what I want you're not my father Theo now I told you to leave already so go!" I said

He bent down to whisper in my ear. "Darling let's face it, if you wanted me to leave you would've tried a little harder to kick me out" his words sent chills down my spine.

"You're so full of yourself, " I spat.

His smirk grew. "What would your boyfriend say about you standing dressed like that in front of me huh?  You undressing yourself. I bet you don't even put this good of a show on even for him" His eyes were captivating and I felt like I was drowning in them. Whenever he wasn't around others his eyes were a dark brown with a touch of hazel. They were beautiful.

I didn't even think about Lorenzo at that moment. He just makes me so angry I don't put thought into some of the actions I do towards him so I grabbed a robe and put it on before my body was exposed any longer. I pulled his head down to reach my mouth "Enzo has seen every inch of my body and touched it all" I whispered into his ear.

"Oh darling, I bet you're the one in control, the one who has to do everything in order to make yourself cum." I looked at him with raging eyes "Fuck you!" I spat. "It's not my fault he doesn't know what you want" he said as he steps closer "What your body craves" he pins down my wrists and his lips are only inches away from touching mine.

"You like pain darling, such a shame he can't provide that for you" my heart was beating rapidly.

He let go of my wrist and backed away. "Have a good night" he said as he made his way to the door.

"Oh and by the way, if Draco hurts you again I won't hesitate to kill him, he gets one chance and one only. Think of it as my apology" he smiled and shut the door.

It was hard to realize what had just happened. He shows such a different side when we're alone but I can still see the darkness in him and know he's only using me. I wish he was different.

Enzo wouldn't have liked me being almost naked in front of Theo so I thought it would be best not to mention anything. I loved Enzo he made me feel completely and utterly happy. Telling him would just complicate things when they shouldn't be, I wanted to be with Enzo, nobody else.

Sleeping was the last thought on my mind so I headed downstairs. I saw Lisette reading a book as she sipped her tea.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked

"No, I take it the conversation with Mr. Riddle didn't go well?" She asked.

"You could say that" I said. The fire was crackling and the sounds of the wood burning was enough to soothe me. "Why do you guys call him by his last name?" I turned to Lisette as I asked.

She shut her book and turned her body to face me, "Lina we're not allowed to call him by his first name it's forbidden. The first day we got here he told us about you and how no harm should ever come to you no matter what and we have to protect you like our own. As for the first night he sent me to watch you I was so interested on why he was so protective so I made sure to pay attention to your actions." I took in every word Lisette was saying astounded.

"What did you realize when watching me?" I asked "You're confident, loyal and kind but you perceive a dark side of your own, you don't show it but I can see it" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're wrong there's no dark side to me" Lisette sighed "Forgive me if I have offended you but I did find it very strange how easily the Animagus transformation was for you, it took me a couple years in order to transform and a seventh year only took a month, it came almost naturally like you hold a great power in you"

"What are you trying to say?" I asked

"Do you know who your parents are Lina?" She asked "I never knew my parents, I was in the orphanage for as long as I can remember" I told her.

"Did Riddle know you were in an orphanage?" She asked quickly "Yes already knew I was, but why does that matter?"

"It doesn't, I'm off to bed now goodnight Lina" she grabbed her book rapidly and scurried off to bed.

She knew something.

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