ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 12

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Lina's POV

I woke up and felt like I desperately needed time away from guys. I was hungover from the party but luckily there were no classes today. Everyone would be going to Hogsmeade and Pansy thought it would be a good idea to go just us girls.

"So are you gonna tell me how you managed to have three guys kiss you in the matter of two fucking days?" Pansy beamed desperately wanting me to spill every detail.

"I don't even know how it all happened. Does this make me a whore?"

"Absolutely not you're single and available. This makes you smart" we both laughed.

"What are you gonna do now? Date one of them or just let each of them fuck you? Ooo maybe you'll get lucky and have them all shag you at the same time" She said with a grin.

"Not happening, they'll kill each other but today I need to focus on myself and tomorrow I'll worry about what I'm gonna do about them"

"If it were up to me I would choose Enzo his jawline is mesmerizing even for me, although Mattheo is hot as hell" she was just going on in her own thoughts as if she was the one in the situation.

"And what about Draco?" I said

"What about him? He's Draco, that's gross and either way he's supposed to marry Astoria after he's finished with school it's like a marriage contract thing their parents did for them, it's some weird ass shit if you ask me I swear sometimes I think their whole family is a secret cult even after the war" and that's when I finally understood all the conversations between them but couldn't help laugh at Pansy's accusation of Draco's family.

"Good to know"

I finally finished getting ready and was excited to go to Hogsmeade for the first time.

We both made our way to Hogsmeade hand in hand, I loved having a friend like Pansy especially with the way she understood my humor, and was upfront about everything

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We both made our way to Hogsmeade hand in hand, I loved having a friend like Pansy especially with the way she understood my humor, and was upfront about everything.

We walked into Honeydukes which I thought was magnificent and got a few chocolate frogs and peppermint toads while Pansy decided to buy exploding bonbons and a few acid pops. It was a peaceful afternoon, with the only thoughts being which candy to try first.

Going into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes I was thrilled because I heard so much about the twins and their large amount of pranks to buy.

"Welcome to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes how can we be of your assistance" they said in unison and I knew they were George and Fred since Pansy told me about them before we arrived "Look George it's a new face, a beautiful one at that"

"I definitely agree Fred" he said who I was guessing was George

"So this is the kind of students they have attending Hogwarts now, that's not fair we didn't get gorgeous ladies like you" he said holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Lina Madden nice to meet you both I've heard many things about the famous Weasley twins" I said

"Thank you for coming into our shop it's a pleasure having you here" they both said in unison again before Fred grabbed my hand to give it a light kiss.

"Okay I'm getting really tired of seeing how many guys you pull Lina" I finally looked back at Pansy who was obviously waiting for our conversation to be over so we can look around the store "Oh don't be such a prude it's not my fault you're in a serious relationship" I said making her roll her eyes.

"Not sure if that's a good or bad thing" I raised a brow at her, "Don't worry I'm just joking" she held her hands up innocently.

"I should be getting back to my friend boys but it was a pleasure. It sucks we didn't get to attend school together it would've been fun" I smirked hearing them both say the same

"Bloody hell"

"You have got to stop doing that look at those two they're speechless I've never seen the Weasley twins so dumbstruck" I giggled "Let's go they can watch all they want but let's face it I'm yours" I winked to Pansy.

"Oh you're definitely mine" she said making us both burst into laughter.

We finished shopping around Hogsmeade and stopped by The Three Broomsticks to grab a butter beer that Pansy kept wanting. I took a seat near the door it was lovely and cozy in there while Pansy left to go and get drinks for the both of us.

"And who might you be sweetie? I've never seen such a pretty face like you around" Some old man said making me flinch

"Leave me alone" I spat but he didn't budge. The way his eyes dropped and body hung on the wall I knew he was drunk but that wasn't what caught my eye, I could see the platinum blonde hair that seemed vaguely familiar.

"You're gorgeous let's have some fun I promise I don't bite" he didn't hesitate to cover my face while apparating us somewhere quickly. There was no time to think, no time to comprehend the nausea I felt staring at a grand black house. I was screaming my lungs out, reaching low to grab my wand in my boot but it was no use.

"Let go of me!" I kept screaming hoping my voice would find someone to save me while he walked us into the house quickly.

We arrived into a room with dark walls. It felt cold and sad in the room but I knew exactly what he wanted to do to me with the way his hands touched my skin. They roamed in places it shouldn't and my body cried for help.

The mans eyes brought me to believe he had insomnia with the way his bags drooped. I never put my head down but this was the one time I did. I felt completely deserted and the feeling of death has never roamed my mind more.

He would take a part of me no one else has. He would break me.

The man held my hands with a firm grip certainly leaving bruises while his other hand was kissing my body and neck. Ripping my shirt my eyes began to be glossy. I've never been so disgusted in my entire life.

His hand then made his way to my throat choking me so much I thought I would finally see the light and find my purpose in life which would be death.

But I didn't know if it was how drunk he was his grip loosened on one of my hands and I slid my wrist to punch him in the face.

He shook it off quickly and hit me over and over again. I was struggling to even get another hit on him but instead I quickly grabbed my wand and pointed it towards him.

"Sectumspectra!" I shouted watching him fall to his knees in pain while blood started to fill his shirt. I enjoyed how much he bled but it wasn't enough. I wanted him to die.

"Avada Kedavra!"

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