ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 29

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I just wanna say thank you for 2.5k reads! I'm so grateful for every one of you and don't worry smut will be coming soon and there's a lot more drama to come love you all!

Draco's POV

The pain I had while getting the cruciatus curse wasn't new but felt agonizing. I tried to shut my eyes and scream in my mind in order to block out such hell. 

"Stop please! Let's go home" was all I heard from her soft angelic voice. I wanted to stop her but I couldn't all I could do was scramble in pain.

He released the curse off Enzo and me but picked her up in seconds and apparated. "No!" I screamed but it was too late, she was gone.

The night already seemed empty as she left. I heard Lorenzo still groaning in pain and grinned. He deserved it and I was glad Theo did that to him even if I had to go through it myself I would've done it again in a second for her. After I saw her tears I had to find Lorenzo, I hated how much he broke her.

"Where did they go?" Lorenzo asked

"Back to his home, you're lucky I don't kill you Enzo!" I spat "I know I fucked up okay but I love her and she needs to know that I need her back"

"She's never going to take you back! Lina isn't that stupid" I shouted "It's because of you! Everything went to shit once you came into her life! She loves me and you had to come and fuck it up just like you did Astoria!" He said as he took a step closer.

"You hurt me first. I needed my best friend and you just called me a death eater, the thing I hated being the most. Don't give me that shit because you're the reason our friendship is over" I pushed myself past him and started walking.

"Do you love her?" He asked. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. I let out a chuckle as I could see he was scared of what I was going to say.

"If I did you wouldn't be the first to know. She would" I said and turned away again.

"Where are you going?" he said but I kept walking, I was going to find Lina. I didn't care how long it took but I needed to find her and make sure she was safe.


Lina's POV

My head was throbbing as I woke up in my old room. The smell of cigarettes and peppermint filled the air and I saw Theo asleep on a chair beside the bed. I recalled the events of last night and a tear went down my cheek. Enzo left me broken and his lustful words are now just arrows of hurt. What I hated more is my love for him still standing strong but I wouldn't show the image of sadness to anyone and wiped the tear.

"Theo" I said softly as I sat up on the bed. He didn't hear me and looked tired so I decided to let him sleep awhile longer.

My head was pounding but I needed to take a shower I couldn't sleep like this so I got up and slowly made my way to the bathroom. My vision was still focusing and I had to hold myself upright but I eventually got to the shower and turned on the water.

I shut the door and removed my dress. I stepped into the shower and closed the curtain to let the warm water trickle down my head onto the rest of my body.

Someone opened the bathroom door quickly startling me as they opened the shower curtain. I covered myself as much as I could as I saw Mattheo standing in front of me.

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