ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 9

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"Hello Draco nice to see you again did you miss me sweetie?" Astoria said with sass

"What the hell do you want Astoria you know we're taking a break from each other so the whole point is for you to get the fuck away from me until we agree you're not a clingy bitch anymore" Draco told her

"You don't wanna talk to me like that Draco you know we have to put up with each other whether we like it or not" she paused and ignored Draco's comment after

"I'm having a party tonight in my dorm since I'm finally back from being with my family in Paris, you're all invited. Dress good because it'll be a day to remember" she said before looking towards Lina

"New girl right?" Lina nodded "I'm Astoria I'm glad we finally have another pretty girl for boys to look at I'm tired of getting all the attention, you can come to my party too" Astoria smirked before she left

"Ugh that bitch is so annoying how do you shut her up during sex Malfoy?" They all laughed at Theodore's comment


Lina's POV

Class was finally becoming a routine and went by pretty slow. I didn't see Enzo today which kind of made me wonder where he was but I'm not his girlfriend so I shouldn't care.

I was finally done with all of my classes for today and instead of going to dinner I decided to go and take a nap before the party later that night. I wasn't really hungry and actually excited for the party I've never been to one I hope it goes well.

Inside my room I see a man standing there waiting for me on the side of my bed twirling his wand around his fingertips but it was too dark to picture out who it was so I immediately pulled out my wand and faced it towards him. "Impressive darling you didn't hesitate at all I must have been teaching you well".

"What the hell Theo you scared the shit out of me!"

"Ahhh see I just wanted to speak. I didn't mean to scare you. How's your task going? Have you found any capable of being loyal to me?" He smirked that same smirk he always gives me showing me how intimidating he actually is.

"No I've barely fucking been here what do you exp-' next thing I knew his large hands were wrapped around my throat making it hard to breathe.

"You may speak like that to your friends but that dirty mouth will not speak like that to me, I own you remember so know your fucking place!"  His grip on me hardened before he finally released his hand.  Slowly catching my breathe "I'm sorry Theo"

"Forgiven for now darling but next time it'll be the cruciatus curse" I nodded

"Here I came to give you this" he handed me large box and I looked at him for permission to open it before getting a nod allowing me to do so.

I gasped "What is this for Theo you already bought me enough clothes"

"You need to stand out Lina and you will be wearing that at the party tonight no exceptions. I will be there too, Astoria invited me and I expect to see you doing what you're told. They will be drunk and high so that's the perfect time to observe others now I'll leave you to get ready. See you tonight darling" he left my room without giving me a chance to respond luckily everyone was at dinner so he didn't have to worry about someone seeing him.

I looked at the outfit nervously because I've never worn anything like that before and for my first party this was not how I wanted to dress.

I took a nap and woke up to Pansy throwing a pillow in my face "Wake up whore it's time to get ready but is this what you're wearing tonight? You're gonna look fucking hot Lina" I slowly got up

"Yeah I bought it awhile ago and that's the only thing I have"

"Well let's get ready so I can see you in this already" I laughed and listened as I worked my way to the bathroom.

I got ready did my hair straight since it's always wavy and let Pansy do my makeup because she didn't really give me a choice.

"I'm done! Lina you look so hot already let's go put on our outfits !" Pansy got changed in a hurry because the boys would be waiting for us downstairs

"Pansy that dress looks so good on you!" She blushed "Not as good as that!" She gasped

"Pansy that dress looks so good on you!" She blushed "Not as good as that!" She gasped

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Pansy's Outfit

Lina's Outfit

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Lina's Outfit

We both were ready and after complimenting each other numerous amount of times we decided it was time to go downstairs for the party.

We made our way down and the guys cleared their throats as we walked down the steps. They all had matching black suits that complimented their figure and honestly made them look hot too. "Wow Lina let me be the first to say I have a big dick and if you wanna go into my room later tonight I would be-"

"Oh get a grip Theodore" Pansy said making me laugh. I rolled my eyes at Theodore and gave him a playful smack on the arm before turning to Draco

"Um you look good Lina" Draco complimented and I can see he looked kinda angry.

"Thank you Draco" we left to head to Astoria's dorm and we walked in with all eyes turned to me.

It reeked of drugs and alcohol so I had to have one shot before starting the night. I made my way to get a drink avoiding all comments but I could point out some of the words they said "whore, hot, slut"and I wasn't mad about it because it made me feel even more confident having everyone's attention but Astoria didn't like it one bit so she decided it was best to play a game instead.

"So who wants to play truth or dare?"

Oh this is gonna be fun

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