ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 19

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Riddle's POV

After getting my fellow loyalties I decided to train them and not go back to school. They were weak which wouldn't work for me in the future. I taught them how to duel and go for the kill, at first they wouldn't want to learn but did so after a few cruciatus curses.

Lisette was my strongest, she wasn't smarter than Lina but was able to kill a few house elves when I demanded.

I didn't even tell Lina I wasn't going back to Hogwarts because she didn't need to know my plans yet. She wrote owls to me, they stayed closed I didn't bother to open them or else it would become a distraction. I had the twins take turns to check up on her instead to make sure she didn't get into trouble and report back to me.

I was a bit infuriated that she decided to date that Lorenzo, he was too soft for my liking I would rather her not be distracted by romances and focus on her animagi.

"Did you slip the note into the Headmistress's office?"

"Yes, Lina already started her month yesterday and should become an Animagus before Christmas" I nodded as Celeste informed me.

I wanted McGonagall to let Lina become an Animagus it would help me when it came to my plans so I made sure Celeste took care of that. Lisette was her own Animagus as well but her form was something I couldn't really use to my advantage.

"So are you ever going to tell us why you need us to constantly check up on that girl?" Maurice asked with the rest of them there in the living room.

"She's my first loyalty, soon you will all hold the dark mark, she's just like all of you and I don't need her dead" I said as they all exchanged each other looks. "You like the girl don't you?" Lisette asked which made me snap.

I pulled my wand out and pointed it to her face "Do not speak to me about Lina unless I allow it, none of you! If you must know Lina is a loyalty, merely someone I see useful"

Lisette nodded "I'm sorry" she said as I lowered my wand. They all feared what I would do to the other more than themselves now. They spent so much time together they all became close. "Sir if I may ask, what do you plan in order to regain power once again?" Adelie asked as they all watched and waited for a response.

"The time will come when I will allow you all to know my plans" I said

"Let's continue our training today and Lisette I want you to check up on Lina tonight and remember she can't see you" I stated firmly as they all nodded and Lisette responded "Yes sir"

Lina's POV

The Animagus was much harder than I expected it to be and being with Enzo was always tempted so we kept a fair distance. It was starting to snow as Fall was coming to an end. I loved the snow it made everything look even more beautiful.

It had been a few days since I've had the mandrake leaf in my mouth and the taste is horrid. I hated the feeling of the mandrake leaf and it made it difficult to even sleep I was so worried about swallowing it. I made my way down to the common room for tonight since I couldn't sleep and found a familiar blonde haired boy sitting there as well. Draco.

I sat down and acted as if he wasn't even there and I opened my book up to start reading. I felt his gaze on me and he wasn't trying to hide it which made it even worse.

"Do you mind I'm trying to read" I spat towards him. "I don't mind at all you're the one who interrupted me" he said with a smirk. "Last time I checked the common room is for everyone" I stated.

"Sadly that's true, now tell me Lina why do you seem so angry towards me?" The audacity he had to even ask such a stupid question.

"You are stupid sometimes you know that" I scoffed as he quickly got up and stood in front of me, he grabbed my neck forcefully making me almost swallow the mandrake leaf. I moved from his grasp in fear of the mandrake leaf being swallowed "what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled as he stepped back.

"Don't speak to me as if I'm nothing Lina, you don't want me as your enemy" he said "Seems to me like you already are, we haven't said a word since I killed your father, I understand you hate me for it bu-"

"I don't hate you Lina, it's just... I was relieved to hear my father was dead he was a sorry excuse of a father anyways, he didn't care about me or my mother but that's not why I kept my distance from you" he said "Then what was it for if it wasn't because of your father?" I asked

"It's Riddle... look Lina I hated being a death eater, he's planning something I know he is but I want no part of it and he protects you I see that so I have to stay away from you, and let's face it you've changed" I sighed because he was right Theo was planning something and I did change ever since I killed his father I felt darker. "I understand, I'll leave you then" I said and turned away before his hand grasped my wrists and he turned me around to face him.

"Do you love him?" He asked

"Yes of course I love Enzo " I said with a smile just thinking about him as he looked into my eyes the thought wandered away.

"No I'm not talking about Lorenzo, I'm talking about Riddle" I furrowed my brows "Why would you ask me that? I don't love Theo I never have" the truth is ever since he left I tried to stop thinking about him. I never even thought about loving Riddle.

Draco looked around as if he was worried someone might hear our conversation "Let's go" he tightened his grip on my wrist as he dragged me outside quietly making our way all the way to the astronomy tower. "What the hell Draco let go of me!" I kept saying but he ignored my every word.

As we went up the steps he finally spoke "You can't care for him Lina" he stated.

"This is what you brought me up here for? We could've had this conversation in the common room" I said "No! I've been having the feeling someone's been watching you so I took you up here to the place I knew nobody would be" my eyes widened.

"You mean to tell me you think someone's been watching me and this is the first I'm hearing about it?" I raised my hand and connected it across his face. I let out all my rage as I slapped his face and he choked me out of instinct and pushed me against the wall making my head bleed. After he saw what he had done he immediately let go as I collapsed on the floor and reached to help me.

"I'm sorry Lina I just got mad" I got up since the wound wasn't that bad "Don't touch me Draco!" We heard a growl and both turned to face where we had entered the tower. It was a white wolf, beautiful actually but it was growling at Draco. It saw Draco as a threat and he didn't move a muscle.

I saw the wolf wanted Draco so I decided to slowly step in between the two. I made eye contact with the wolf making it relax and before I knew it Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it towards the wolf.

"Don't Draco!" I said "Are you mad? That thing is gonna kill us if we don't do something" he yelled.

"It's not going to do anything now put your wand down now" the wolf started growling at Draco again and I had a feeling the wolf was going to listen to me.

"Go!" I said to the wolf and it ran out of the astronomy tower but gave me one last glance before. "Have you ever seen that wolf ?" Draco asked "No actually I've never seen it in my life"

"Well it seems to have an attachment to you" he said

I wondered why but didn't want to question anymore, "Goodnight Draco" I said still furious with him and left back to the common room and went straight to my dorm.

What if someone is watching me.

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