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"Are you insane? Did Theodore agree to this?" Blaise asked

"No but he will" I grinned

"How are you so sure?"

"It's Theodore, Blaise he'd do anything for Lina just like us. But wouldn't that be odd to have Theodore in bed with you instead of oh I don't know Draco or Enzo?" Pansy responded

"Draco would never agree unless we don't use Polyjuice Potion and I don't want Enzo to be apart of this. Theodore is already on Mattheo's bad side for kissing me, besides it's a bit more believable I'll go with Theodore since he's the most flirty and not complicated. "

It was a genius plan in my eyes, I would never forgive him or move past it if he never understood why I killed that girl. That was the truth because I don't believe he would've stopped one bit if I hadn't interfered and to make matters worse he used Veritaserum on me after I specifically told him not to.

He should've known better then to bed the next girl so quickly. Such a shame that a life had to be the cost of his own actions.

"What about me?" Theodore asked entering our dorm.

"Are you willing to do me a favor? I need your hair to put in Polyjuice Potion for Blaise. I want Pansy and Blaise to shag as me and you to get Mattheo back for almost shagging another girl."

"Are you sure we can't just do it in real life? That would really set him off!" He winked.

"Theodore!" I yelled slapping his arm.

"It was worth a shot!" He chuckled

"Aye mate I'm going to see what size you have when being you!" Blaise laughed

"I just realized how extremely weird this is going to be" Pansy shuddered.

"Oh don't worry Pansy you're going to have a blast getting absolutely railed by my di-"

I interrupted Theodore before Pansy backed out "It won't be long, Mattheo just needs to see a few seconds before turning into a maniac and attempting to kill or torture Blaise." I shrugged.

"Oh merlin I'm going to die! He's going to kill me in a heartbeat Lina! That man is an absolute lunatic when it comes to anyone getting close to you! Remember his threats Nott!"

Theodore smacked his head and looked at him wide eyed.

"Wait what threats?"

"You honestly believe he trusted us to be your friends without threatening to keep our friendship respectful? The man is a bloody murderer with a girlfriend he would burn the world for!" Blaise shouted freaking out. It was concerning how much he was scared when Blaise is usually the calm and collective one.

"Ex-girlfriend Blaise." I replied sternly sending him an evil glare.

"You will get back with him by tonight Lina or else you wouldn't be putting my life on the line for your ex"

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