ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 15

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Riddle's POV

I loved the cold air hitting my face, how the night sky reminded me of my father's absence, and the only thing keeping me warm was the thought of her, but soon enough it would be the season of death and she would drift away from my mind.

I found the two people I was looking for but it wasn't enough I needed more. Although I did have the rest of the Death Eaters that were loyal to my father and left once the war was over I wanted some of my own. Having my fathers loyalties didn't make me anymore powerful so I knew I only would use them if necessary. "Tell me, is there any other wizards around here that cause the trouble you two do?" I asked the two.

"Um, there are these two girls we've heard about in the city. We've never met them but they're known for manipulating others and being good in duels" Maurice said

"I do love a good manipulation, can you take me to them?." I asked "Yes, we think we know where they could be" Lisette said nodding towards me.

The lights in the street burned all night as they took me to where they believed the two girls would be. I wanted to see how they manipulated people because I didn't want not only people who could fight, but the ones who are strategic as well. We came to a stop and Lisette did a spell to reveal a door behind a concrete wall.

"They should be around here, all wizards come here to duel for sickles and galleons." Lisette stated

"Brilliant" I said letting out a chuckle.

I looked around to see drunk wizards all over the room that wreaked of alcohol and cigarettes. I missed the scent of cigarettes and decided to pull one out of my pocket as well, lighting it up. "Let's go I wanna get a good view of the show!" Maurice said as he watched me smoke the nicotine.

I followed him as Lisette walked behind me, making our way to the front there stood a long empty path that was meant for I'm guessing the duel. "Now for the last match of the night we will have the undefeated champions against a couple who battled in the war!" the host said as the crowd cheered and yelled. The couple looked nervous and I had recognized one of them, they had the exact same hair as that Weasley kid. I examined the audience in the room and they all were eager for the duel to begin. What a bunch of desperate oafs I thought to myself.

I didn't even notice the two girls who stood on the dueling platform ready to duel the couple. They were sisters, not identical but had similar features. You could tell they were related but saw the difference, they walked and acted different on the platform, one walked with grace and fierce while the other walked with confidence and serene.

"This winner of this duel will be granted fifty galleons! Once both sides are ready you shall begin!" the two girls looked at one another as they smirked then looked back towards the couple who already had their wands pointed towards them.

"Expeliarmus!" One of the sisters said instantly removing the wand that the woman held. "Stupefy!" the man said but the other sister used a counter spell not giving him a chance to stun them.

"Confringo!" The sister said with fierce hitting the other woman at once. It was quite impressive seeing the two sisters duels together, they were good apart from each other but in order to really hurt someone they needed the other one there. I studied them and it was obvious how smart they were in duels but still a little too soft when it came to the spells they used. Although I think I could change that and they could definitely be of some use to me.

The battle went on until the sisters eventually won with a few more spells, causing the crowd to cheer. The couple looked disappointed but glad the duel was finally over. I saw the two girls making their way out of the room ready to leave with their winning.

"Let's go I think it's time I have a chat with those two" I said to the two making them follow me without hesitation as we caught up with the two girls who were walking away.

"That was quite a show you two put" I said to them

"Thank you" one of the sisters replied "It's a shame you only go against people who don't even duel that well I wonder how you would be against someone who really knew how to duel" I said with a chuckle

The other sister scoffed "We are the undefeated champions"

"Then go against me" I said with a serious tone "We duel for money-we don't like to waste our time with people like you" the same sister said "If you win I will grant you 1,000 galleons." The girls laughed.

"Deal" They both said in unison.

"Don't you want to know what happens if you lose?" I asked with a cheeky grin.

"We won't lose, but go on let's hear it!" I smirked

"If you lose, then I gain your loyalty to me, and you will have no choice but to serve me, the both of you!" One of the sisters tried to hide their concern for what I said, but saw it would be two against one and brought her confidence up again.

"Whenever you're both ready" and without hesitation one of them shot a spell at me but I easily countered it shooting it back at them. It almost skimmed them but they were able to dodge it. They tried to shoot more spells towards me but it was no use, I countered each one and didn't send any back. Not yet, until one of them started to say a spell "Expeliar-"

"Stupefy" I said not letting her finish and stunning one of them. I decided to use a Fiendfyre as a distraction before I could stun the other sister. It worked very well and before I knew it she was more worried about the fire and removed it with a spell.

"Sectumsempra!" I said to the sister making her scream out in pain. As the other ran to her I walked up to them both.

"What did you do? She's bleeding everywhere!" The girl screamed. "I will save her only if I get both of you" I said as Maurice and Lisette stepped behind me after watching the duel.

"Yes! Yes we agree just save her please!" she pleaded.

I started to heal her and she caught her breathe again before it started to fade. They were both covered in blood and outraged at the fact that I won.
"Your names?" I asked them both

"I'm Adelie Vanille and this is my twin sister Celeste"  the injured one said slowly. "A pleasure this is Lisette and Maurice, as for myself call me Riddle, nice to meet you" I held out my hand for both to shake as they looked wide eyed.

"Riddle? Like Tom Riddle?" I grinned "Yes that would be my father, now enough chit chat we need to go now there's much to do" I said to all of them sternly.

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