ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 17

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Lina's POV

I didn't know what Enzo was about to tell me but he seemed upset that he didn't get the chance. I would just talk to him about it later. "We're sorry about what happened to you Lina, we wish we could've been there" Blaise said with sincerity since I was still in my tank top and sweats they could obviously see all my bruises but I wasn't insecure about them, not with my friends. "Thank you Blaise I'm just glad I'm here now"

"So are we and we brought lots of alcohol to take your mind off things too" Theodore said with a smirk "I really could use some right about now" I said "Then what are we waiting for?" Theodore asked as he poured each of us a shot of whiskey. It burned going down but I loved it, it was a good way to take my mind off things and get back to normal.

"Okay now time for games" Pansy said as she heard a knock on the door. We all stopped and wondered who it would be. "Lina it's me Hermione" Enzo quickly got up and answered. "Hermione did you get it?"

"Yes I got it now where is she" I heard her wide eyed
What is Hermione doing here I thought to myself. I looked at everyone else who were just as confused and decided to go and see Hermione. "Oh Lina I'm sorry to bother you but I got this for Lorenzo he said it was for you and I was worried sick since he didn't tell me why you needed it" she said.

"What is it?" I asked looking between Enzo and Hermione. "Bruise Removal paste, it should heal the bruises easily, Fred and George were happy to give it to me for free because it was for you, they said it was a pleasure to provide for you" I laughed just thinking about the twins. "Thank you Hermione I appreciate it, would you like to come inside we're having a game night?" I asked as Lorenzo looked at me like I was crazy "Do you think that's a good idea?" Enzo asked me.

"The war is over Enzo their shouldn't be any conflict between the Slytherins and Gryffindors" he nodded. "It's up to you Hermione" Enzo assured her.

"I would love to actually, things between me and Ron are kind off weird right now and I don't think I wanna go back to the common room and see that arse" I laughed at her reasoning.

She walked into the room and all eyes met hers. "You all know Hermione, she'll be joining us today" Theodore looked at her and shifted in his seat. "Have a seat Hermione I'm just gonna help Lina put the bruising paste on her neck" she nodded and took a seat between Theodore and Pansy.

"Let's go to the bathroom love and get those bruises off that beautiful neck" I felt my cheeks turn red as we made our way to the bathroom. I didn't even notice Draco watching us throughout the entire time. When Enzo closed the door he lifted me onto the sink while he opened the bruise paste and grabbed a handful of it on his fingers. I lifted my hair away from my neck slowly as he studied me before gently applying the paste.

Our eyes met one another and our breaths were only inches away from each other. "Feel better love?" He asked as he finished and the bruises started to go away immediately. "Yes much better actually" I smiled as he helped me down the sink and looked into the mirror.

"They're gone" I said beaming with a smile towards Enzo. "I missed that smile love" he said as he kissed my forehead I knew he meant my real smile I've been hiding.

As he finished kissing my forehead he grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined as we made our way back to our friends. Draco instantly looked at us as we made our way into the circle and sat down. "You neck looks amazing" Pansy winked.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's drink please" Theodore groaned as we all laughed and agreed. "Hermione would you like a drink" Theodore asked nervously. I've never seen him be so flustered not even with me and it was cute to see him be like that with Hermione.

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