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Enjoy my loves ;)


Having Theo by my side made all my doubts about him fade, but I could tell all he carried when he looked into my eyes was guilt.

We walked towards the Great Hall and once we went past the doors I was met with all eyes on me. Pansy, Theodore and Blaise rushed towards me from the Slytherin table while Lisette, Adelie, Celeste and Maurice came from the Ravenclaw table.

"Lina when did you wake up? Oh I'm so glad you're okay!" Pansy exclaimed pulling me into a suffocating hug.

"We've missed you so much!" Celeste said while I gave each of them a hug. Pansy was crying tears of joy with Celeste and we all burst into laughter at the sight of them.

My friends that I heard all those nights while asleep were finally there to greet me back into the world we live in.

"As much as I missed you all I am starving" I complained.

"We'll meet you later" Lisette said and I nodded towards them before they left back to the Ravenclaw table. They were two different pair of groups so I didn't mind that they never really hung out with each other it was enough for me to have them.

The rest of us walked towards the Slytherin table while Theo continued to hold my hand in his. Our fingers intertwined brought those endless butterflies in my stomach.

"Lina?" I turned around to see Enzo and immediately went and ran into his arms. I didn't care about the soreness I was just relieved he was okay. I pulled back and noticed he looked way better than I had last seen him on the Astronomy tower.

"Enzo! How are you?"

"Amazing now that you're here my love, how do you feel?"

"Better than before, would you like to sit with us for breakfast?"

"I'd love to" he smiled and helped me walk to my seat. I sat between Theo and Enzo who exchanged a small grin. It was nice to see their differences put aside for me the last thing I wanted was endless bickering but it seems those three weeks I was gone they settled their own hatred towards each other.

Theo already had a plate ready for me and I started stuffing the fluffy waffles into my mouth and the sweet strawberries tasted like a delicacy.

I looked at Theo who was just watching my every move, mesmerized by me. I couldn't help but feel a blush on my cheeks rise as he continued.

"Stop staring and eat Theo, you need the food"

"I'm not hungry" he said "If you don't eat right now I will gladly go back into a coma until you do so" I spat and he rolled his eyes and filled his plate with eggs, waffles and bacon.

"So where's Draco?" I asked the table who suddenly fell silent. All eyes were avoiding mine and looking down to their plate instead.


"Ugh why do I have to be the one to tell you the bad news?" She groaned

I furrowed my eyebrows "Bad news?"

Pansy lowered her voice before speaking to me "After the first week of you not waking Draco got-um reckless, it was horrible and he blamed it all on Riddle. He went back home a couple days later and said he's going to work for his aunt to stop Riddle for whatever he has planned against Bellatrix. It was bad Lina I've never seen him look so dangerous we were all scared to even be around him" she turned to Theodore and Blaise who nodded in agreement.

"Maybe if you tell him I'm awake he'll come to his senses" I said.

Draco was a hard person to control, he let his feelings defy his actions and if what Pansy said was true I hoped he hadn't been doing terrible things on my account. Although I'm not blind, he wants me in a way where I don't leave his side but I'm not sure if I can give him that.

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