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The beams of light shined throughout the entire room waking me out of my sleep. I felt his arms wrapped around me in a deep comfort that dragged me to realize the fantasy that he turned into reality.

His eyelashes curly and long, his breaths steady and peaceful. His hair toppled messily over his face with scars that only shown the darkest parts of himself that I learned to love deeply.

Peace had been watching him sleep, peace became Mattheo.

He was a broken soul who wanted power, I just happened to be broken too. We were meant to put each other back together. Even if that meant losing a couple pieces of each other in the process.

"Staring are we darling?" He said his raspy morning voice peaking through.

"Yes" I whispered moving a piece of hair out his face and kissing the top of his chest that had his deepest scars.

"Do they bother you as much as they do me?" He asked

"Why would they bother me? It just shows the unfair life you were given, if anything it makes me love you all the more" I smiled wrapping my arms around him and laying on his chest again.

He seemed speechless, and cleared his throat instead, "Oh well let's get ready to go back to school before McGonagall thinks I've captured you" he chuckled gently lifting me off him and heading to the bathroom.

He stopped once he reached the knob and turned around "This is all new to me, I apologize if I don't tell you my affection as much as you do when it comes to my scars. I always hated them and I suspected you to be the same."

"Well I'm not, I think they look hot too" I smirked earning a laugh in response.

"I knew it" he winked but I threw a pillow right at his face and he sent me an evil glare in return.

"Why did you do that?" He asked sternly

"Because I ca-"

A bright cloud light of blues and white came into room quickly. The rabbit hopped around the room stopping at me then Theo and headed to the direction outside the house. I hadn't recognized whos patronous it was. It was a rabbit and the only one who I could even imagine having a rabbit as their patronous would be Lorenzo or Celeste.

"Do you know?"

"It's Celeste" Mattheo said rumbling through the drawers to find a shirt.

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