ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 42

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I can't thank you all enough for 10k reads!! I love you all and I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do <3


She did this to me. She fucked me up entirely that I've completely shut down anyone who's tried to understand me.

Nobody goes through life without crossing the paths of the purest souls. They may have flaws and shattered lives but they are completely pure.

She is pure. Moments with her were precious, always lingering the feeling of comfort and so much could be given with just her aura being in the same vicinity as mine.

The painful silence seeing her in a coma triggered the worst parts of me. Not only do I hate Rosier, Dolohov, Bellatrix and Riddle but I hate myself so much even the image of myself in the mirror imitates the broken pieces inside me.

Lina wasn't supposed to be apart of this horrid war that has yet to begin. She is right in the middle of it with Bellatrix already wanting the one her son cares for.

He was the cause of it all but how can I be mad at the guy who brought the most beautiful soul into my broken life.

I have never loved before, but she brought the music my heart so utterly desired. She caused endless heart stopping moments of magnificent insanity.

There is no one to understand the hurt I feel from not having the one person I truly love return the love back. The way her eyes sparkle whenever she sees the man who doesn't see her true beauty. The man who will bring havoc in this world.

I patiently waited for the right time, the time where he would obliviate himself from her life. Although the night that she chose to speak with him I could see the shift in her body when she felt his presence, the way her confidence peaked when he did so much as spoke one word to her.

I was never enough. No matter the amount of time I waited for her she would always choose him.

But I would continue to choose her.

"Excuse me Master Draco breakfast is ready and Bellatrix wishes you attend this time although I don't believe it was a request"

"Thank you Tooky I'll be down in a minute" the little elf shut the door while I stood up to head down to breakfast not wanting Bellatrix to hurt Tooky if I hadn't come down.

I made my way past the long stairway towards the dining table to see my mother worse than ever with the death eaters surrounding the house. Bellatrix became their new leader and the house went back to being just a house, losing the home feeling my mother so desperately wanted.

It all went back to when Voldemort was still here, Bellatrix didn't carry the same amount of power he did but she was definitely convincing those stupid bastards that they would rule the ministry like Voldemort did. They were ready to bow down to Riddle but Mattheo wanted to get away from his mother so he chose to do it alone.

Now he's seen as an outsider. The son of someone who needs to be killed, not a friend but a foe.

"Ah glad you decided to join us Draco!" Bellatrix said

"Not like I had a choice" I scoffed.

"Oh please don't tell me you're still angry with me! I only wanted to ensure your safety even your mother agreed you needed to choose a side!" Her wicked smile was beaming right at me.

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