ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 16

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This will take place the next morning when Riddle left Lina, Theo's Pov was right after he left her dorm so it was at night. Anyways I hope you all enjoy!! And I love reading your comments besties <3

Lina's POV

I laid in my empty bed awake yet tired. I was having nightmares all night long which made me even more exhausted. As much as I wanted to rather think about my feelings towards the guys who were a different part of me, my mind always drifted back to the events. The house, the smell and the thought Draco's father dead.

I noticed Pansy was gone for awhile which meant she went to get breakfast. Being by myself was hard but I knew I had to get used to it or else I would never be able to be myself again. I went to get changed into some sweats and a tank top, because it was the most comfortable even though it showed my bruises even more.

The bruises were a dark purple now instead of red, they were tender and sensitive to the touch. I hated them. Once I was done I looked in the mirror one more time and shed a tear when someone burst open the door making me wipe it away instantly.

"Okay he made me tell him so don't be upset but I brought you breakfast to make it up to you" Pansy said

"Who made you tell them?" I asked "Lorenzo and he's gonna be here any second now" She said as I sighed. "It's fine Pansy he was going to find out eventually, did he do anything to Draco?" I questioned "Surprisingly no I'm pretty sure he just wants to see y-"

"Lina!" Lorenzo said in sorrow as he looked at the state I was in and wrapped me into his arms. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes I'm okay Lorenzo don't worry" I said hugging him back, "Don't worry? Lina my heart broke hearing what happened to you, and if I would've known Lucius had taken you I would've been out looking for you as well, scared I wouldn't see your beautiful brown hair, touch your soft fingertips and stare at your beautiful smile that warms my heart." I blushed at Enzo's comment.

"I'm here now" I told him "Yes you are love"

"Okay lovebirds tell Lina what we're doing today before I start to gag Lorenzo" Pansy said sarcastically making me giggle "Pansy and I thought you could use all of your friends today to make you feel better love, you shouldn't have to be alone after everything we wanna help you get through it" Enzo said with a sweet smile while his hands were streaming down my hair.

"So, we decided to have a game night here in our dorm with the rest of the guys" I laughed as Pansy said excitedly "Draco and Enzo in the same room? Wouldn't that be a complete disaster" I laughed.

"They agreed to put their differences aside tonight and if they wouldn't then I would've hexed them until they cried" Pansy said with a chuckle as Lorenzo rolled his eyes. "A game night it is then" I said with a smile.

"Perfect now eat Lina you need food and I didn't bring you breakfast for nothing I'll be back soon I have homework to do in the library" Pansy stated as she left the dorm "Okay I'll eat and don't lie Pansy I know you're going to see Blaise" I smirked. "Yes in the library" she said. "Please don't do it in the library I actually like to read the books there" I said with a sigh as she winked and left the dorm. I was actually really hungry but it was hard to eat everything, I kept on struggling to eat more but Enzo forced me until I was done.

"Now that you're all done we need to talk" Enzo stated changing his demeanor in a more serious state. "About?" I asked

"How you're feeling Lina, you're acting fine but I know you and you're hurting don't hide that from me please" I almost let my tears slip but I held them back as much as I could. "Stop. Please I don't wanna talk about it" I begged

"Lina you almost got raped and Lucius beat you before you left. Don't you think you need to ta-"

"Stop Lorenzo! You think I wanna be like this? I rather suffer in silence because I don't wanna become a burden to everyone! I put up these walls so nobody can see how I truly feel because once you do then you'll see how alone I feel!" In that moment I saw Enzo's eyes shedding in tears, he saw me. The part of me I didn't want to be seen.

"You're not alone Lina you have so many people who care about you. I care about you!" he said "You don't know how it feels Lorenzo none of you do and I appreciate you guys trying to make me feel better but it's more than that. I- I look in the mirror and can't even recognize myself. It's not even about the bruises and scars anymore it's about me on the inside. I killed someone Enzo, I never would've thought I was capable of doing that, I don't even know who I am anymore." I said while dropping to my knees and let out all the tears I've been holding onto. I wept into his shoulders letting out all my sadness and cries.

"Let it out love I'm here, and you're right I don't know how it feels and the pain you're going through but I do know you can't go through it alone. I will be here every step of the way to make sure you heal from this and your broken heart becomes whole again." I didn't respond I just wrapped my arms around Enzo he let my tears stream down his shirt.

We stayed in that position for awhile and letting it all out was exactly what I needed. "Thank you Enzo, for everything"

"No need to thank me, I will choose you every step of the way and in a hundred lifetimes I will always be here beside you" I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"I lo- "

"Who's ready to have a game night?" Theodore said barging through the door with Blaise, Pansy and Draco behind him interrupting what Enzo was about to say.

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