ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 28

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Lina's POV

Lorenzo looked like he had seen the worst thing he could. His jaw was clenched as we walked down. Draco was definitely enjoying the sight of Lorenzo but I was more focused on Theo. Our eyes were connected as he watched me the entire time. By the time I looked away Lorenzo already made his way up to us.

"Get your fucking hands off of her" Enzo spat

"Calm down there, I'm just her escort you're still her pathetic little boy toy" Draco said and I sent him a annoyed look. "I'll explain everything just come" I said to Enzo as I took his arm and dragged him out of the ball room.

We walked into the hallway away from everyone else. "Why are you here with him?" He asked "Look I know it doesn't look good but he's just my escort here Enzo there's nothing going on between us we're just friends" I said

"When did he even ask you to bring you here I thought you were back at the orphanage?" He said confused. "I haven't been at the orphanage for a few days now, I-I've been staying at Draco's house because I was having a few problems at the orphanage" I could've told him about Theo but I wasn't ready yet. I knew he would see me differently.

His fists were clenched and he started to pace back and fourth. "Why didn't you tell me!" He yelled and sent me a hurt look. I felt guilty. "I didn't wanna bother you and I had to leave quick so I just apparated to the manor" I said as I put my head down.

"I'm your boyfriend for fucks sake Lina and you go to him, of all people when you had me! You didn't even owl me and I see you show up to the ball with him by your side!"

"I know I'm sorry" I tried to hold back my tears. "I have to go" he spat

"Enzo please"

"Just leave me alone" he demanded and left the hallway leaving me alone. I felt a tear run down my cheek but I quickly wiped it off.

"You surprised me I must say" his deep toned voice startled me

"Go away Theo" I huffed.

"This whole time I thought you spent the time with your little boyfriend, turns out you were with Draco the whole time" he chuckled "I can't say that it doesn't annoy me, you know how much I hate Malfoy"

"Why are you here?" I asked "I came for you of course darling, you need to come back home"

"No" I spat "No?"

"I said no I'm not going back there!" I was practically yelling at him but he grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall and I felt myself struggling to breathe.

"If you don't come home after the ball is over I will kill someone you love, shall I start with Lorenzo or maybe Draco?" He mocked.

"Let her go Riddle, not here" we both turned to see Maurice.

He released his grip and I pushed past him to be by Maurice's side.

"Thank you" I sighed

"Anytime, now let's go there's a few people who can't wait to see you. Oh and by the way you look lovely Lina" I smiled letting him lead me to the rest of the girls. They looked breathtaking, all of them.

"Lina there you are!" Celeste beamed bringing me into a tight hug "Oh I knew that dress was perfect for you!" She smiled while I hugged Lisette and Adelie.

"I thought Lisette bought this for me" I furrowed my brows

"Oh no! We all helped pick it out but we couldn't have don't it without your friend Pansy"

"You guys met Pansy?" I laughed

"Oh yes she was a total bitch at first but once she found out we were your friends she was more than welcome to help" Lisette said making us all laugh. "Sounds like her, thank you for getting it for me, all of you it must of cost a fortune"

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