ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3

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Lina woke up early, ready to start her day. She showered quickly in order to get ready to go shopping with Riddle. Once she was done she checked her closest to see beautiful clothes laid on the racks.  

Lina decided to wear a black skirt that flattered her hips well, a tight shirt to keep it simple and a jacket just in case she got cold. She never knew about style but she watched women enough to know what to wear.

When she finished brushing her hair and getting ready she looked at herself and couldn't even recognize how different she looked before she got there.

Usually her hair stuck out and went in all directions, clothes with holes and dirt on her hands and face, she always looked like she hadn't showered in weeks. Now she looks like a regular girl with nicely combed brown hair down to her waist and clothes with no holes in them.

Stunning clothes with fabric softer then she'd ever felt.

As she walked downstairs she was greeted at the kitchen by house elves that were already making breakfast. Lina wondered where he was, but didn't think much of it she just couldn't get her eyes off the food that was set down in front of her and started eating.

Riddle came downstairs only moments after, and was surprised to see how nicely she cleaned up. He expected her to only look a bit different instead she looked drastically unrecognizable.

"Good morning Theo" he raised an eyebrow at her nickname for him

"You left papers in the kitchen, they have your name on them"

"You're lucky that has a nice ring to it or else I would forbid you to call me that, anyways good morning darling how did you sleep?"

"Amazing actually I never had a bed that comfy before!" He smirked at her comment

"I'm glad you felt that way, well onto other business do you perform any magic?"

"No, I've never practiced I've just read all about it I know everything about magic but I don't know how to do it and I don't even have a wand" she said with embarrassment.

Every witch or wizard has a wand but without money to afford one there was no point in her even thinking about purchasing such a thing.

"Well I will teach you how to practice and you will be better then the rest of your year by the time we attend school in a few weeks, I need you to be the best. I will get you a wand today and we will get you an owl as well" she smiled

"Thank you Theo I appreciate all you are doing for me" he grinned at her comment with his thoughts filling up his mind 

'This isn't for you darling just wait until you realize how much you're really in for.'

They finished breakfast and made their way to Diagon Alley where she got all the things she needed including a wand which she was most excited for and her own owl which she named Athena. After she was finished he decided to take her to buy more clothes that would fit her own taste a bit more.

Mattheo watched her as she picked out clothes and everything she needed to start her school year with amusement seeing she was overall hard to understand but later they made their way back to the house.

She was almost subdued at the orphanage, he saw it but now there was a hint of resilience to her.

She waited to have dinner with him after putting all of her new things away, she made her way down the steps and saw a huge meal waiting there for the both of them.

He wanted her to have as much energy before they started their training even if she wasn't aware of that.

Once they finished eating in silence he wanted to finally begin "Stand up" 

"You will need to defend yourself at all times but in order to do so you also need to feel pain so nobody else can inflict pain to you and if they do you will know what it feels like and take it unlike anyone else" with confusion she looked at him and without hesitation he said one word that made her collapse completely.

"Crucio!" He said with his wand straight to her she screamed in pain and felt as if she wasn't able to breathe, her eyes flooded with tears and all you could hear was her screams filling the air.

She scrambled to stand but her insides felt like they were being tormented piece by piece.

The air was thick and horrid. If anyone were to walk in they would instantly feel the cold draft and darkness that shifted in the room.

A minute later he lifted the spell. She held onto herself with shaking hands, and anger waiting to burst inside of her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She screamed at him knowing he just used an Unforgivable curse.

"Do not raise your voice at me or I will gladly do it again!" she stayed silent.

"I did that to you because I will not have people who are loyal to me be weak so suck it up because this is only the beginning, you need to be strong and people who are strong need to feel pain as well in order to overcome anything and have no weaknesses" she remained silent with her head held high

"Do it again" she said which caused a full smile to form on Theo's lips

"Oh I knew you were just what I needed darling. To say you've exceeded my expectations is an understatement. Maybe he was right, you can handle much more than it seems" he grinned.

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