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Her claws began to sink into my skin and if it weren't for Mattheo removing Lisette off of me she would've bit my head since she lunged at it.

In a few seconds she managed to transform back into herself, I recognized her short hair and lethal eyes that I was terrified of. Lisette was definitely not one to mess with and now she hates me the most.

"Are you alright?" Lina asked helping me up.

"I'm fine love it's okay" the worry in her face clear as it can be but assuring her I was fine relaxed her a bit. I missed everything about her, and now having her back into my life helps me realize how lost I am when she's gone, well when I was gone.

"What the hell is he doing here Riddle?" Lisette spat with hatred spilling out.


"You shut the fuck up or I will kill you" I clamped my mouth shut and let Riddle do the talking.

"He's here because Lina fixed him. I know he's the last person you want to see right now but he's not the same person he was on the Astronomy Tower" he explained but with the way he speaks it seems like he doesn't try to explain but more of pierce it into her mind so she won't raise her voice at him again.

I began to panic, it was too much. The guilt oh the massive guilt that brought me down recalling how Maurice died. He could've been saved, Celeste is never going to forgive me.

"I don't care if he's fixed, I don't care if you even have the Imperious Curse on him so he could listen to you like a lost puppy. Maurice needs to be avenged and this is just the start of how I'm going to do it" she pulled out her wand and shot a spell at me but Lina pulled me back while Riddle used a counter spell and knocked Lisette off her feet and onto the floor.

Lina and Mattheo. They protected me with ease, no hesitation and I looked around the room to see Theodore and Blaise who looked like they were thinking the same thing.

They ruled this house and together their power was feeding off one another. They were both destructive, lethal, and frightening.

To think she was once a kinder soul. He changed her, moulded her into being perfect for him I didn't even realize how strong she became overtime although I passed no judgement, she needed to protect herself and Riddle was the perfect way to do that. He trained her and protected her with every ounce of him.

"You are not going to kill him Lisette!" Lina shouted standing in front of me and beside Riddle.

"You say that because Enzo wasn't the one who died! If it were reversed you would've wanted Maurice dead just as much as I want Enzo dead. This isn't up for debate if you want to stand in my way then so be it but don't be surprised if you get hurt" Lisette's eyes shifted into a deep crimson and Lina's dark magic was oozing out of her hands. Both of them waiting for the other to strike first.

"If you want to lose like you did last time be my guest Lisette but know that I will not make the first move. Once you start this I will be the one to finish it" Lina said stepping forward but Riddle held her back and took a step in front of Lina.

He didn't have his wand in hand nor did he show an ounce of fear or rage. He stayed showing a blank face and looked at Lisette like a comedy show.

"You dare threaten her?" He laughed a maniac laugh that sent chills down my spine. In the corner of my eye I saw Theodore walk to Lisette but Mattheo held up a single finger signaling him to stay where he is and he listened. It would've been much worse if he disobeyed.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out so he continued, "I know my girl can handle herself trust me on that Lisette you even know that too I mean she did beat you in a duel before. Yet you dare threaten her?" He laughed even more as he slowly walked around Lisette tauntingly.

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