ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 39

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"Lina wake up!" Draco said shaking me out of my sleep.

Enzo was still sleeping as the cold night was masking us and the only warmth was coming from our two bodies. I was freezing and I touched Enzo's hand to feel his body was too. He looked more peaceful then before which brought a light smile to my face although his eyes remained puffy and his slits on his wrists were replaced with scars.

"Be quiet you're going to wake him" I hushed him. I knew he was only deep asleep because of how much blood he lost.

"I don't give a fuck what the hell are you even doing here with him and why are you covered in blood?".

"What are you even doing up here?"

"I'm a prefect remember and this happens to be the spot I spend the most time in now answer the damn question"

"It's not my blood by the way but we can talk about that later right now just help me get him back to my dorm before he freezes up here"

"And why on earth should I help him?"

"For me Draco please" He scoffed and kneeled down to carry Enzo in his arms. Even though him and Enzo weren't friends anymore I could see how much he actually cared for him with the look in his eyes. No matter what he wouldn't have left him there whether I was there to tell him or not.

I slowly got up while Draco led the way back to the common room and towards my dorm. It wasn't too hard to get caught seeing as Draco was a prefect. The halls were empty and luckily we made it to the common room without getting caught by a Professor. Theo was awake in the empty common room reading and once our eyes connected I tore my eyes away focusing back to Draco and Enzo.

"Are you ignoring me darling?" I rolled my eyes and looked up to Draco who halted his steps once Theo spoke.

"Draco put him on my bed please and wait for me there" I said

"Your bed?" He questioned with a small bit of attitude with his words.

"I'll sleep with Pansy tonight don't worry" I said and he nodded in response not wanting to stay any longer with Theo in the room.

"You let your ex who slept with another girl stay in your dorm?" Theo chuckled.

"He's had a long night and I have too so I'm not arguing with you about him, my reasons for him staying in my dorm shouldn't concern you" I turned to the stairs and walked away until I heard his voice again.

"Come with me" he said and walked up to go to the boys dormitory and I followed behind him not wanting to argue. Each step felt longer then the next, I stared down at my hands to see the dried blood covering them and my robes. My breath hitched and seeing his blood brought back the image of him ready to jump off the tower.

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