ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5

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Lina's POV

The food at Hogwarts was immaculate and was probably the best food I had ever eaten but the roast beef was definitely my favorite.

I was so busy eating I didn't even notice a guy staring at me until Pansy mentioned it.

"You know that guy from Ravenclaw won't keep his eyes off of you. He's cute" she signaled her head towards the guy and it was the same one who I thought I recognized on the train I just didn't know exactly who it was, but something about him seemed familiar.

"I've never seen him before, maybe because I'm new don't you think?" I said

"Hmm maybe I mean he seems like he fancies you I wouldn't blame him since you had all the guys drooling since you arrived at this hell whole of a school. He's one of Ravenclaw's favorite boys" I laughed at Pansy's comment but then remembered Theo was right in front of me listening to our whole conversation and I didn't want him to think I was getting distracted already.

"It doesn't matter I don't really see anyone who I would fancy myself"

"Well let's go to the common room you're sharing a room with me I have one bed available so it won't be a problem"

Walking into the common room was breathtaking I loved every single part of the beautiful school although there were still parts that had debris from the war and sad faces from students who lost loved ones. I even caught a glimpse of Harry Potter during dinner who looked just as miserable to be there but paid more attention to Theo every second he could watching him as if he was going to start a war in front of the whole school. 

"Let's get some rest tonight and tomorrow we'll eat breakfast with the boys Lina"

"Sounds good Pansy, Goodnight"

The next morning..

I woke up extra early to get ready because I had to take my test in order to get my classes.

I took a shower and put on my clothes and combed my hair down so it would be nice and presentable for the rest of the day. I was ready to take the test and see what year I would be in. When I entered Headmistress McGonagall's room she was quite happy to see me and gave me the test right away and I had to perform a couple spells as well to see what year would be best.

I performed spells such as Riddikulus, expecto patronum, and aguamenti, but I also had to make potions such as liquid luck, fire protection potion and aromentia. It was all quite simple I was glad I remembered all the books I read about it and knew exactly what to do for each and McGonagall was satisfied by my results.

"You will be with the seventh years meaning this is your first and last year at Hogwarts, I believe you will perform perfectly now here is your schedule your first class will be begin soon I suggest you go and eat breakfast before"

"Thank you Professor" I walked to finally get some breakfast before class started and sat next to Pansy who was sitting next to all Blaise who had his arm around her waist

"So how did the test go Lina?" Pansy asked "Brilliant I will study as a seventh year instead of sixth" Draco quickly looked up from his food at the sound of my voice "That's great! Let's see what classes you have" she looked through them as I started grabbing food for myself

"You have Transfiguration with me but that's it although you'll have some classes with the guys so that's good" I was happy to know I wouldn't be alone most of the time "Well transfiguration is first so let's head there let's go Draco and Blaise. When we all got up I saw Theo walking in and having his schedule in his hands.

We walked to Transfiguration which was taught by Professor McGonagall and I was surprised to see Hufflepuff students were there as well. Pansy and Blaise sat next to each other so I decided to sit with Draco.

"Well let's get class started today! You will work with your partners and research animagi I expect a report about it by the end of the week! You may get started now" I looked towards Draco "Are you ready to get started" he looked into my eyes and for the first time and I was surprised to see how beautiful and grey they were, it complimented his blonde hair so well.

"Yeah we can both do research about it and then discuss it as well if you want we can work together tomorrow if you'd like?"

"Yes I would love to I'll meet you tomorrow in the library at 7:00" The rest of the class we were working together and having light conversation and I actually really enjoyed Draco's company the class went by so fast we both didn't realize how much we were talking to one another.

I grabbed my things and said goodbye to Draco as I headed off to my next class which was Charms with Ravenclaw students and noticed the boy that stared at me during the Sorting was in the same class and walked up to me immediately.

"Lina!" He said "Yes? Am I supposed to know who you are?"

"Lina its me Lorenzo! Lorenzo Berkshire!" I stared completely shocked "Bloody hell Lorenzo it's really you" we hugged for what seemed like an eternity "How are you here did you get adopted?!" I quickly remembered I wasn't supposed to tell about my what really happened "Yes I got adopted but then lost them in the war"

"I'm sorry to hear that Lina" he hugged me once again and I could feel my heart warmth at the touch of him and his delicate hands. It was weird to see how much he had changed with his sculpted face and  height that towered over me I saw how grown he had become and ... handsome.

Lorenzo's POV

It was hard to even think Lina was actually here but I had to go up to her and really see her face before I could tell and I had to do it soon or else I would lose my mind.

I walked into charms and turned my head to see her and knew that was my Lina, the one I had been waiting to see for years and she had grown up to be gorgeous as ever I could see her perfect hips and waist that was like no other and smile that could light up any room consisted of darkness. I went up to her and hugged her tightly I didn't even want to let go. It was the greatest feeling having her in my arms

We had both grown up and weren't kids anymore and just seeing her and how angelic she was made me want her and I had to have her no matter what it took I wanted Lina.

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