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He was infuriating. Riddle took advantage of Lina it was obvious. To think she would side with him instead of me didn't cross my mind but I saw the look on her face and I knew I had lost her to his corruptive mind. She was his puppet and I needed her to be free of him no matter the cost it took.

I went back to my room once I left the Great Hall not wanting to speak to nobody else. The silence filled the air and I was finally able to let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding in until shutting the door.

The party today would definitely put me more at ease. Slytherins parties were the only ones I attended willingly. We had the best booze and drugs thanks to our wealth, most Hufflepuffs would come for the drugs, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for the music and alcohol while Slytherin enjoyed it all. Although there would be moments that everyone would get a taste of all three and by the end of the night there would be nobody that was stable enough to walk anymore than back to their rooms.

Blaise hosted and that would only mean he made sure there was enough drugs and alcohol to last them a weeks worth for one night.

My eyes felt like they were prying themselves open with each blink I took.

I was exhausted.

The remaining Death eaters started to come back to the manor, never stayed but only to take orders from Bellatrix and speak with her. Since they started to come back so did my nightmares and I would always wake up with a small line of sweat across my forehead and breathing unstable. The nightmare would be different each night, whether that would be the day I got the dark mark, the times my father would beat me or my mother, and even a few of Lina that scared me the most. Her suffering at the hands of Bellatrix.

Mother would always come to me for comfort but it was no use. The nightmares would only stop when my aunt was gone and even she knew that.

Bellatrix definitely surprised me and my mother with how much hatred she had for Riddle.

The way she spoke about him was like she had no soul left in her to care. Not about his life but merely when she would bring his death.

I heard a sudden knock on my door and realized I had been laying on my bed for what seemed like seconds only to find out it had been half an hour.

"Who is it?" I groggily went to the door still not getting the amount of rest I needed.

"It's me mate"

I swung the door open to a concerned Blaise standing patiently.

"What is it?"

"You're coming to the party right?" He shuffled himself inside not even bothering to ask if he was allowed in or not. But that was our friendship, he would be truthful, tell it how it is whether I liked it or not and push me to hear what I needed.

"Is that really the reason you came knocking on my door Blaise?" I shut the door and went back to my bed sitting on the edge while Blaise sat on a chair near my desk.

"Lina is going too I thought you might wanna know"

"I don't care" I muttered.

"Yes you do mate, you can fool Lina into thinking you don't with your outbursts but you can't fool me. After you left she didn't even speak, but who can blame her after what you said"

"She made her choice" I said as I clenched my fists and felt my nails dig into my palms. I was used to the small pain it brought so much it stopped bothering me years ago.

Blaise let out a small chuckle and I raised my eyebrows trying to figure out how he found my words to be utterly amusing.

"Lina's not with Riddle so stop acting like they're a bloody couple. Jealousy doesn't look good on you mate. Before she even came to this school you would shag almost every girl you pleased so don't be angry with her when she isn't in a relationship with anyone. She doesn't need to explain herself to you and you throwing a tantrum is only going to push her away and she can take care of herself mate she knows what she's doing, you don't need to protect her like she can't be touched"

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