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Lina's POV

The fear kicked in me as I heard the words leave his mouth. My stomach felt as if it jumped out of me and I stood in serenity as I gazed at him. My heartbeat was diverted into little pulses as I tore my eyes away.

"I am not going to assist you in taking someone's life" I spoke more determined and stern then I ever have before.

"You have no choice or else I will kill one of the people you love instead, shall I start with Lorenzo darling? I mean he did cheat on you" the sarcasm in his voice rose my temper to its peak.

"I don't want to be apart of that Theo!" I shouted as I saw his face almost turn dark realizing he wasn't going to give in "No you need to do this with me, besides it's nobody that deserves to be alive"

"Who is it?"

"You'll see darling, patience is key in this world all good things come to people who wait"

The color in his eyes blacken at the thought of death, almost as if he enjoyed it. The distraught in me overflowed to the point where I could've vomited right there in front of him.

"Fine but after I want to see Draco"

"No" he crossed his arms and delivered an evil glare.

"This is my only compromise Theo"

"Okay but just an hour, we'll be going back to Hogwarts in a few days anyways"


"Excellent let's go then shall we?" He walked up to me and put my hand in his. The agony in me was about to burst when I felt his touch, the warm feeling of his hand in mine as our fingers intertwined perfectly. I knew it was to apparate but the feeling of comfort overrides me.

We apparated to see empty alleyways and abandoned houses that seemed to be damaged from the outside. The sun was at its peak and making it known that it was mid day.

"Where are we?"

"This Lina, is where I grew up" he looked away at the sight of one particular house that was damaged more than the rest but still held its shape. He didn't realize our hands were still connected until I squeezed his in fear about what would happen next.

Remarkably he left my hand there to hold onto and looked at me in a serious manner, enough for me to know his thoughts and how much he didn't want me to leave his side no matter what happened.

His steps lead to the front door of the place he grew up in. Theo carefully creaked open the door and it looked as if there was no sign of life to be found in there for years.

"Theo it looks like nobody even lives here" I said as he walked into the house. "She just wants you to believe nobody is here" There was black marks across the walls and broken glass surrounding the living room floor.

"Who?" Still no response. We made our way into a room with no bed just blankets spread out and blood stains on the wood floor. He let go of my hand and went to the drawer to retrieve something I couldn't really see what it was as I stood by the door but reminded myself to ask about it later. We walked out of the room right after and he grabbed my hand for security, I didn't refuse him as I locked my hand with his.

He pulled me into a room that was closer to where we first had entered, I was startled at first but knew to keep quiet. He brings his fingers up to his lips and signals me to keep my silence. We heard small footsteps that carried slowly across the living room.

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