ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 43

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We weren't friends, nor were we enemies. We simply became strangers with moments in our lives that connected the both of us.


I didn't want to hear his excuses, his actions spoke loudly enough for me to know who he had become. I desired for him to be better, the person I so effortlessly grew to know and care for. The boy with a dark past that didn't define who he was.

He was better. Draco wasn't some death eater who stuck to violence. He didn't strive for power or blood on his hands but he had chosen Bellatrix.

The one who wants me dead.

He didn't want to choose her.  I noticed the turn in his head before answering, he couldn't look directly at me knowing I would break through him. Something was keeping him from coming back to me.

"Are you alright Lisette?" Her paws turned back into palms and her crimson eyes changed back into their magnifying blue.

She was the only one with blood on her hands.

"I'm fine, the blood is his not mine, he's lucky I didn't eat his intestines. When I turn into a wolf the flesh becomes quite tasty" she smirked wiping the last bit of Casimir's blood from her chin.

"I'm going to kill those guys once I get the chance" Maurice spat.

"No you won't, when the time comes and we battle against them all of you must make sure they don't defeat you. Protect yourselves but once they are unarmed bring them to me or Lina. We are the ones who must kill Luca and Casimir" Theo said and they all nodded in understanding.

"We need to discuss how we're going to get my fathers power we have wasted enough time already and I know my mother has had all of her death eaters searching for it" Theo said instantly drifting the subject.

"Lina have you gotten better with your visions maybe those can help?" Celeste suggested.

"Actually I've been using them often, I can see what will happen next in someone's future or past if I really try to look into their memories or fate" I explained looking at Theo who had an impressed smirk on his face.

"Why didn't you tell us you figured out how to use your ability!" Celeste asked more excited than anything.

I giggled slightly looking at a wide eyed Celeste, "There was never a good moment where I could, the first time I did was the night Casimir took me"

And then it clicked for the Ravenclaw "That's why you took the beating from Casimir. You knew Celeste was being held by Luca because you saw it" she said and Theo instantly dropped his smirk and replaced it with a emotionless expression.

"Yes, and that's why I jumped in front of Theo, I knew Draco would crucio him" I shrugged not thinking it was a big deal but looked at each of them to see they had all turned their heads to the floor. I turned to Theo who looked infuriated.

Theo's hand grasped my chin and turned my face to him while his anger was seeping through.

"Leave" He demanded not even letting the others say their goodbyes to me as they left the Astronomy tower.

His eyes stayed on mine but they were fading from his warm brown eyes that I had found comfort in and instead turned dark black.

After he could hear the steps of the others going down the stairs eventually fade he spoke angrily "You knew?"

"Of course I knew, I would rather face the fate of the cruciatus curse for you then face a future that I couldn't control" his grasp on my chin tightened and I could feel the pressure with each second.

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