ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10

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Lina's POV

Only the few of us gathered into a circle it was Draco, Astoria, Blaise Theodore, Pansy, Theo and me since Astoria didn't really want everyone else to play. It seemed like she was just worried about our group and the others there didn't seem to care they just watched.

"Theodore truth or dare?" Pansy asked him

"Truth" he said "Who do you think is the hottest girl here tonight?" He laughed

"Easy Lina" Astoria scoffed offended he didn't say her but didn't want to show her jealousy.

"Blaise truth or dare?" Theodore asked


"I dare you to give Pansy a lap dance" he huffed but then started to give Pansy a lap dance which she enjoyed and after a good thirty seconds he stopped and everyone was laughing at him.

As he sat back down he asked "Astoria Truth or dare?"

"Dare" she said "I dare you to give Riddle here a hickey" she smiled from ear to ear and went to Mattheo eager to start she sucked his neck while everyone watched-well except for me. I didn't want to gaze at that but I would glance. He didn't even look phased he was just sitting there with no emotion as she sucked and when she was finished she saw how displeased he looked and got a disappointed look on her face that made me and Pansy laugh silently.

"Riddle Truth or dare?" Astoria asked

"Dare" he said and she smiled ready to give him a dare "I dare you to make out with who you think is the hottest girl in the room" he smirked and got up looking around at all the girls who were staring right back at him, he started walking and stopped at me.

I looked up at him and he signaled me to get up which I did as he sat down and picked me up to put me on his lap with my legs spread and my heart was pounding as I was sitting on him.

He grabbed my neck and pulled me down to his lips kissing me with roughness and passion while all the space between us instantly gone and just our bodies against one another.

Making out for a few minutes made me forget everyone was watching and I pulled away breathing heavily. He looked into my eyes and I already missed the feeling of his soft lips against mine.

I looked up and saw everyone staring at us, Pansy looked like a proud friend, Draco looked so angry with his knuckles so white it was unnatural. Astoria was clearly mad Theo didn't choose her to make out with and gave me her biggest scowl while everyone else was shocked Riddle made out with me in the first place.

I got up from his lap but he quickly pulled me back down to sit on his legs.

I didn't refuse I actually liked it.

After our make out session everyone decided to stop playing truth or dare and just drink instead and by everyone I mean Astoria since she obviously didn't want another chance of me and Mattheo kissing again.

"You really know how to put on a show darling" Theo whispered lowly only allowing me to hear the sound of his voice.

"You're the one who kissed me I just went along with it" I muttered rolling my eyes.

"I think we both know you've been waiting for someone to kiss you like that" we both got up seeing as everyone was distracted from the party he grabbed my waist and pulled my neck towards him. My breathing becoming short pants he tainted my skin with his hand wrapped around me.

It was infuriating whatever game he was playing.

"You didn't have to kiss me in front of everyone you know. You could've picked Astoria" I seethed smiling mockingly at his poor attempt of intimidation.

"The dare was to kiss the hottest girl in the room. Now why would I lie and kiss Astoria?" He grinned rubbing his thumb against my bottom lip.

He instantly connects our lips once more as his arms wrapped around my waist. Bringing my body even closer to him he grabs my leg and lifts it up towards him.

I wanted more, my body craved him more than anything in my entire life. I didn't know how or why the sudden interest in him but it was driving me insane thinking about our lips not touching again. But in seconds it was taken away.

His lips were gone, his touch was masked with nothing more but past memories.

"Darling this is a show for everyone. Don't go crazy Lina, we both know you want me but I never said I wanted you" he whispered removing his hands off me. 

That bastard used me

And to think he actually wanted to kiss me. I was so stupid. I shook it off because there was no way in hell he was going to ruin this night for me so I started dancing with my friends and found out later I was dancing on Draco who looked pleased with my performance.

"You slut get off of Draco he's mine" I felt a slap come across my cheek and saw Astoria filled with rage

"Being on a break doesn't mean he's yours you literally gave Theo a hickey don't complain about me dancing just because you're insecure" and I don't know if it was the alcohol but I turned to face Draco and gave him a long deep kiss, he hesitated before giving in. His hands were cold but his lips were warm and soft, it felt good but then it stopped when someone pulled me away and started throwing punches to Draco's face. Both with blood staining the floor immensely as Draco fought back and neither one of them giving up until Blaise and Theodore pulled them off each other. Of course it would be him who saw us kiss.

Lorenzo was standing there with bloody knuckles, a bloody nose and bruised face. He pulled me away from the scene and guided me into my room locking the door shut using a spell I couldn't quite hear.

"It's about fucking time we talk and you're going to listen like the good girl you are Lina"


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